Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 19th

Signed up for a gym membership!  The columbia city recreational athletic club changed owners to a friend and her husband and the name has been changed to pacific athletic club (The PAC) and it made me feel much more comfortable about going in knowing that someone I admire owns the whole shebang.  Also, it appears to be the 'place to be' for all the Mormons.  Three ladies in the ward cover the childcare during the evenings 5-7 and they have a nice lady that covers the morning shifts 8:30-11.  In the summer there was a handful of families who have memberships and take their kids to the pool all at the same time.  The pool is outdoor and the perfect depth for elementary kids.  I hope I can get in on that this summer before Talmage comes and maybe a little bit after.  Which means I need to invest in a maternity bathing suit, something I had been hoping to avoid.

My 'main event' is yoga.  I have felt very blah about pushing this baby out and I hope that yoga will help stretch me out, make me better at resistance and better at waiting something out.  There's yoga 10-11 almost every morning and I use that as my reason to get over there but try to show up a half hour early to do some cardio on the eliptical beforehand so that it's a little easier to bend and stretch.

Brittany has a niece that's 6 months older than Alaska and she was over at Brittany's because her momma just had a baby boy.  We decided to have a playdate for the two of them and it was quite comical.  Alayna found some wrapping paper and started riding it around the house like a horse.  Alaska was fine just running after her but we got her, her own wrapping paper tube and she ran around holding it above her head.  We had to show her how to mount it and then she went a little slower but soon caught on and they had a good time chasing around the house.

We didn't get home until late again, leaving no time to clean up the house.  Which is a total wreck.

I went to mutual and we had a movie night there with the girls.  We watched Finding Nemo.  I still have never seen the end to that movie.  It came out my junior year and it was the movie everyone showed in their classrooms before Christmas break.

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