Monday, February 24, 2014

February 18th

I had shared a book with Brittany almost two years ago and it turns out they just made a movie based on the book that is in redbox right now.  When Brittany found out she could hardly wait to watch it and she was willing to wait for me to be able to watch it with her.  We made our date and I brought Alaska along.  With 4 girls that are all grown now and a grandchild they have plenty of toys to play with.  And their family is so relaxed I knew it wouldn't be hard to bring Alaska and have a good time watching the movie and keeping Alaska entertained.

Brittany made popcorn for us and Alaska was absolutely loving it.  Until she got a little piece in her throat that tickled and made her throw it all up.  It was terrible.  She could breathe the whole time, she never choked, it was just like her gag reflex went into overdrive.  That was a little messy and a little embarrassing.  Especially since I didn't have a change of clothes for her and she had to spend the rest of our time in a diaper.  Which was also fine, thank goodness we were at Brittany's house, because it was almost natural to have a baby running around in a diaper there.  I just love that family so much!

Bunco was that night, as well, and I barely had time to get home after the show, grab Steven from work, make dinner and eat before the game started at 7.  I was the last one there and parked in the back at Shirley's house, coming in the back door.  Brittany was there, too, as a sub, and it was so much fun to have a good friend!  I ended up being one of the winners for a half-and-half roll off and got the cutest little bunting banner.  I already have it hanging in our hall and it adds just the right amount of cheer.

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