Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 12

March 12th -

Got my Paula Dean on this morning to prepare a million dozen cookies for young womens tonight.  The theme is dots so I carefully cut out and cooked circles.  Half-way through baking I realized there was no way I was about to make home-made frosting and so I went to the cupboard and scrounged around for a pre-made frosting container.  Also, next time for a dot theme I am most definitely coating vanilla wafers in frosting.  Paula Dean, I am putting you back on the shelf.

Steven had the day off and had asked that I make him a doctor appointment.  I had big plans to do some subbing that day but didn't sign up for another week so that I could be home with Alaska while he went and got told that nothing was wrong with him but a severe cold.  Which is exactly what happened.  Not even thinking about the time, I had totally jumped on a morning appointment and I ended up missing the gym, as well, because he had the car.  Kind of a bummer day.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous and Brittany is watching Elayna again so we invited them to the park with us.  The girls had such a great time together and it was fun watching them run after one another.  Elayna would go down the slide first and wait for Alaska to come down and then Alaska would take off running to do it again and Elayna would follow, taking the short-cut of the ladder rather than going around to the stairs.  Which would give her the head-start to get down the slide again before Alaska.

The weather was just so warm and nice - perfect weather for a road trip.  Steven came and picked us up.  We don't live that far from the park and it's an easy 10 or 15 minute walk but it also hasn't got a sidewalk for part of the walk and always makes me nervous.  He had been up at his dad's helping with some car/truck/tire something or other and took Alaska back up with him after dropping me off at the house.  I so wanted to high-tail it out of town and go shopping or somewhere else awesome but I knew if we left at 3:30 there's no way we would be getting back before 7, when I needed to be at mutual for new beginnings.

I took my polka-dot cookies and come candies that I picked up at Winco that seemed to fit the theme all too well and went to mutual.  I made sure that all the girls had a place and then when their moms came in that they also had a place to sit with someone to talk to.  It felt nice to be self-appointed usherer and I loved making so many of them feel welcome.

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