Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 1st - 5th

March 1st

Took Alaska up to my mom's house, complete with her medicine and babies to take a nap with.  I picked David up on the way there so he could spend the day there, as well.  Then headed over to Longview for one last chalk paint class.  It was fun, though not as fun as the first one, and then I went back to pick up Alaska and eat dinner with my family.  Steven didn't get home until 8:30 and we were both in bed before he walked in the door.

March 2nd

Fast Sunday.  One perk of being pregnant, I guess.  No fasting for me.  Pretty sure it would send my whole body into utter shut down if I tried that.  I am now on a schedule of eating as soon as I wake up.  Which has never happened in my entire life!  Well, maybe in elementary school when my mom still fed me every day.  But ever since I have been in charge of getting myself my own breakfast I have never needed to eat as soon as I wake up.  And most of the time it takes a couple or three hours for my body to even get hungry enough to eat so often I have skipped breakfast and done a late breakfast at 10 or waited until lunch.  I eat around 8, then 12, then 4 and then am not hungry for dinner and don't eat at 8pm, which would be the next logical time.  And that's what's working right now to keep the food down instead of being spilled into the toilet.

March 3rd

I now have visiting teachers.  Which I guess I have mixed feelings about.  I haven't had them since mid-August when the girls they did have assigned to me went off to college.  It was nice to have them over but in all honesty, it has been really nice to not have to worry about someone calling and needing to set up an appointment.  They came today, at 8:30 am.  Which was fine, we were ready and needed to start our day because we need to leave at 9:15 for music class, except that they didn't get there until 9.  My biggest pet peeve.  Kind of.  I try to not let it get to me and just be grateful that I can worry about myself being on time and focus on managing that and be grateful when people show up when they can because I know I have had my fair share of walking into sacrament late and all that.  Never since I moved out of my parents house, though, I will have you know.  I can count on one hand the amount of times Steven and I have been late to church.  Mostly because if we're going to be late, it's usually his fault and I have no problem leaving in the car with Alaska and him running along later after having to walk.  I have found Alaska does a lot better in sacrament meeting if we're there ten minutes early and she can jabber a little to the people in front of us and behind us and then settle in with an activity by the time we're singing the opening song.  Her routine doesn't change and it's distracting to have her trying to talk to people when they're making announcements so we've got to set our clock to hers.  Also, it allows me to unwind a little, too, and take a glance around as to who is there and who isn't and where everyone is and all that.

After music we came straight home.  Alaska hadn't done so well and I was extremely irritated.  I couldn't stand taking her anywhere else.  She had a hard time following directions and just wanted to run after this other little boy who also had a hard time following directions.  Pretty sure her being sick has brought on a little extra attitude.

March 4th

I had signed up for a bike for spin class that morning but Alaska had a fever again and I wasn't about to pass that on to someone else.  We stayed at home, putting her down early for nap.

John had a band competition at the St. Helens school so my mom came by to pick us up and take us over there to watch.  Alaska seemed to enjoy it enough.  Afterwards I went to see if I could get some fingerprinting done for a substitute orientation the next day and had no such luck.  I came back from the sheriff's office with a phone number that hadn't been listed anywhere on the internet that I had seen and the requirement to call this number and make an appointment.  I called and left a message and then called three more times later throughout the day and no one ever picked up.  Also, no one had called back, either, and it's been three days.  What kind of joint do they think they're running, anyways?

I have decided it is time to get a maternity swim suit.  Alaska is going to need swim lessons, I am going to need pool time at the club in their outdoor pool and Brittany has said she'll do water aerobics with me in the evenings.  Can't give that up!  We went to fredmeyer to look and they didn't have any, nor did they have a maternity section.  I called up the next closest fredmeyer and they didn't have a maternity section, either.  Called Kohls and they have a maternity section but don't carry any suits.  So I popped on line and looked there.  Only, how in the world are you supposed to get a suit without trying it on!?  Most frustrating thing ever!  Besides jeans.  Those two things just require a little trying on, no matter what.  I bought two from and hope that one of them will fit and will send the other back.  I just hope that I got the right size.  Which is also tricky since I am on the small side of the medium for bust measurements and on the large side the medium for hip measurements.  But I know I don't want any saggy boobs around so I went with the medium, even though I could probably fit just right into the small with the measurements they had posted.  Here's to good luck!

March 5th

My substitute orientation took up a lot of the morning.  10-1.  Steven had the day off for a doctor's appointment and it just happened that the sub orientation was in St. Helens that day instead of Hillsboro or somewhere else.  It couldn't have been more perfect, especially since Wednesdays is one of those days that I don't have someone to watch Alaska.  Everyone is in school or working.  Turns out I can only do classified without an Oregon license but I also found out how to get an Oregon license and it's not hard, just costs a lot of money.  So I'll get started with the classified and then work my way up.  It will be nice to be working again.  We're going to put Alaska in daycare and I think she will love it, play dates every day!  I just hope she doesn't get sick like this again.  Which she may or may not.  This is the first time this year she's been sick, including any runny noses.  We got lucky.  Too lucky.  It's about time we had our turn.

This is her second consecutive day with a fever and I have an appointment made for her, for tomorrow.  Three days a fever, this has got to be something worse than a cold.  I hope.  Because this cold is one nasty one.  I am torn.  I want them to tell me it's just a cold and that it's all normal and will take another five days to get over or I want them to tell me, nope, she's got something else going on, here's a prescription that will make her feel better in two days.

Both Steven and I needed to be at the church for mutual.  The scouts have a campout this weekend, which means lots of paperwork Steven needs to gather up and most people don't have it in, so Wednesday night is the best time to have them bring it all to him.  I had to be there for mutual to drive for the combined activity.  They were doing service projects for a few of the elderly and were going to be split into groups of 3 or 4 and then driving to houses and doing some little jobs for a hour.

We probably should have had Tamera come and watch Alaska again like she did last week but I guess after the first day of being sick you just go about living your life and don't really think about it.  So we took her with us and she did great, as far as I could tell, since she spent most of her time with Steven.  She was definitely sick looking and definitely tired but she ran around and acted cheerful despite it all.  Her little eyes get massive dark rings around them since this whole thing started when she's even just a little bit tired.  You can also see in her face that she's lost a little bit of weight.  Poor thing isn't eating more than a couple bites of food a day and surviving on applejuice and water alone.  I won't give her milk even though she constantly asks for it because it makes her cough so hard.  I guess it just sticks in her throat or something.  So glad I made the appointment for tomorrow.  Even if they tell me nothing is wrong, I am willing to spend $25 copay to know that.

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