Friday, March 14, 2014

March 6th - 8th

March 6th -

Released a bird at a funeral for the first time since December.  And December was a crazy busy month for people to be dying in.  On top of all the Christmas stuff going on I also did 4 funerals.  Usually I get one or two a month so it was nice to have some extra cash around the holiday season but then also a huge let-down when I didn't get any calls for January or February.  I was beginning to wonder if they had forgotten all about me.  Not that the weather was all that good for standing outside anyways.  It would have been harder money to earn than being outside on a nice day.  But of course it drizzled the whole way through the service, which is nice because the preacher man keeps them short when the weather is bad, but also kind of miserable for speaking because you have to talk above not only the traffic along the highway, but also above the raindrops hitting umbrellas and the canopy and this particular time we were set up next to the central water fountain that was making all kinds of watery noise.  I spoke extra loud and because of that, had to speak extra slow in order to get the volume out.  Quite a few older people came by and told me I did a great job as I was leaving so I am glad I could appease their hard-of-hearing ears.

It was an enjoyable service, as far as friendly people go.  There were a lot of friends from clubs and church so I didn't stick out too much like I do when it's just family.  One of the ladies was telling me 'his story' which became 'her story' which then became 'their story' and it was just so sweet it made me want him to come back for her.  They were both living in retirement homes placed just down the street from one another.  He was out for a walk one day and saw her coasting along in her wheel chair and was instantly smitten.  He  got in contact with the preacher that did Sunday services for both homes and found out a little about her before introducing himself.  He made her laugh, a lot.  And they always had a good time together.  He would come over every day to visit her.  She loved him a lot and they made a care contract.  They didn't get married, but did say some kind of vows in a church setting about how they would look out for one another.  He stayed at his retirement home and her at hers but he was over every day to spend time with her.  So sweet!

Alaska's appointment went well.  She was super well-behaved and everyone that saw her commented on how adorable she was.  At the doctor's office and at WalMart afterwards when we picked up her prescription.  We had to wait a half hour for it to be filled so I let her walk around and look and see whatever her heart desired.  We went up and down the toy isles a few times before she was bold enough to start exploring other things.  I let her do her thing and followed after her, making sure she wasn't running infront of shopping carts and such.

She ended up having a cold that was severe enough to turn into an ear infection and the doctor gave me medicine to start right away.

March 7th -

I don't even remember what happened on Friday.  No notes on the calendar which means nothing was planned.  We probably just stayed home and hung out.  But it must not have been too painful since I can't really remember what was going on.

March 8th -

Steven woke up with a fever but insisted on going to work since it was a Saturday and that's the busiest day.  We had plans to go to a game night at a ward member's house at 6:30 so I had Alaska go to Tamera's for the night.  They took her in the later afternoon and I ran around doing a few errands.  When Steven got home he wasn't feeling any better so we spent the night watching a movie and I went and got a Papa Murphys pizza to make it feel a little more festive.  Which is really too bad, since we need that socialization of hanging out with people.  But it never seems to work.  Mostly because I will only go through so much effort to make sure it works out that we get there and all that.  I am just too much of a home-body and it's more of a hassle to find someone to watch Alaska and figure out when to drop her off and when to pick her up than it is of a relief that she's being watched by someone else.  I just don't want it bad enough.  Same with evening church activities.  It stresses me out more to have Steven home by 7 to watch Alaska so I can go to mutual than the relief that comes of getting to escape the house.  Perhaps that will change as we add more kids and I think it definitely makes a difference as to their age.  Because before it was kind of a relief, though still stressful to leave Alaska, but now she's communicating and it's so much simpler to get her to do things and there's less negative impact on my part about what to do to keep her entertained because she can do that herself now.

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