Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 13 and 14

March 13

Such an incredibly busy day ahead of me that I only worked on the eliptical for half a hour before calling it quits with my mind churning with all the things I still had to do.  Alaska wasn't ready to leave the daycare yet, she was having too much fun.  I stayed and talked with the lady doing the watching for a little while until I was able to pull Alaska to the door.

Took off running as soon as we hit the home-front.  The house wasn't nearly clean enough for the missionaries to come over and I needed to get dinner in the crockpot (Cafe Rio pork).  Hurried along until nap time and my mom came out to watch Alaska while I went and did a funeral.  There were only 6 or so people there and it was kept short since the man that died, his twin sister had to check in with her parole officer at 3.  Easy peasy.  John, the funeral director, had just sold the business the day before and so David, the new guy in charge, was there to oversee stuff.  I did an extra-good job at releasing that dove.

When I got back, Alaska and Mommy hadn't left for the park yet.  I changed quick and took a shot at going with them.  We walked to Campbell and played for 30 or 45 minutes and then walked back.  It barely gave me enough time to get the cilantro/tomatillo dressing done before the missionaries were knocking on the door.  In my rush of getting everything ready I totally forgot about the rice.  Thank goodness it was minute rice that took 10 minutes to make.

Megan's choir concert started at 7 and I knew we had to be there early to get a seat.  We left right along with the missionaries, locking the door behind us.  I stayed for the whole concert because I was enjoying it so much.  Everyone else had to leave after the first song because of mutual or because they were hungry.  Steven had come over straight from work and hadn't been home yet for dinner.

Dorian was in need of a date for his army banquet a few days ago and I instinctively had him ask Michelle (one of the yw in our ward).  They had met on trek but he had always had a girlfriend since then.  I know that she liked him and I was pretty sure that he had at least looked at her twice so when I offered to call her mom up and get permission he took me up on it in a heartbeat.  He was a little timid about asking an LDS girl to an army banquet.  Under good reason, I guess those things can get a little rowdy with the alcohol and a little grotesque with the humor.  I told him not to worry about it.  She could handle it.  I am sure any LDS girl could handle it, really, sometimes I think he underestimates them.

After Megan's concert I went over to Michelle's house to help her pick a dress.  Apparently banquets are dress up Prom-like.  She was super excited and we ended up sending two photos to Dorian to get his opinion on a dress.  Thank goodness he texted back the next day with his choice and that's what she ended up wearing.

March 14 -

Potluck at the church and I took fried rice.  It wasn't super yummy, but at least it was edible.  Which is saying a lot considering the other foods that were there.  It was a passport potluck and you took your passport with you and checked off any foods that you tried from different countries.  I was really surprised at how much variety there was.  And as far as I could tell, no one had chosen China, lol.  Not that fried rice is really Chinese, but you know.  The missionaries were the hosts of the whole thing and they did a great job of keeping it interesting.   After most people were done eating we had a little trivia.  The questions were printed for us and put at each table and then when read out-loud we had to send someone up from our table as fast as we could with the right answer.  We did a few of those, not the whole sheet, and then played some minute-to-win-it games.  The primary kids were all over this and they did a great job.  Then a little family feud of couples against couples but they had all the boys on one team and all the girls on another team so that couples were competing against each other.  Some more minute-to-win-it and we had to leave to put Alaska to bed before they even started the 'messy skits' - I never found out what those were.

Alaska had a good time running around with all the other kids and made herself right at home even though she was the youngest by about a year.  The older kids are so good to be gentle with her and she does her best to keep up.  It's a good middle ground.  The cutest thing ever was when the newest baby in the ward was sleeping in his carseat all the little girls gathered around him to watch.  5 girls around a carseat with ages varying from Alaska to 10 was the most precious thing ever!

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