Thursday, April 28, 2016

Say My Name Say My Name

We were at the store and C was constantly saying my name, wanting me to look at everything and if I stepped more than a couple feet away she was all like, "Jessica! Don't leave me!" We were in the check-out line and the line had moved while C was busy looking at the candy selection and she looks up at the lady now standing beside her and says, "Where's Jessica?" And of course the lady doesn't know who I am, but she had seen the two of us together so she pointed in my direction and Kenzie lets out a huge 'Jessica!' as if we had been separated for ages. 

As the lady passed me at the register she says, "Bye Jessica, have a lovely day." It was hilarious and eye opening to me that everyone now knows my name these days when I am so often "mom" in public. The ladies waiting in the check-out line with me are never people that I consider having names. Once in awhile I will get a comment about how cute the kids are - but most of the time, we're all there, silently hoping there isn't as much in that cart ahead of us as it appears. No more. No more am I the nameless girl putting her whole grain cheerios on the belt. I am Jessica to all. And that is kind of intimidating. That someone would have a one-up on me while I am grocery shopping. I am no longer an equal, nameless face.

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