Monday, September 24, 2012

Rookie Mistakes

It's been a month for rookie mistakes.  Of the dating sort.  If I were still writing chapters in the 'looking for Mr. Right' book of my life I would definitely have lost a few dates.

Rookie Mistake #1: Hairy legs.  We're talking HAIRY legs.  Not just a little stubble, but the kind that you can see from 5 ft away.  When I am in the shower I am washing my hair as fast as I can, grabbing a towel, and jumping out before Alaska even knew that I was gone while she was doing her exploratory rounds of the house in the morning.  You know, to make sure no one came in and stole her toys right from under her and that they are still laying by the kitchen sink, smooshed up against the fridge, scattered through the hall and sprinkled in the living room.  And then there I am, not even a second thought to those prickly legs, as I tear through my dresser drawers looking for something that isn't in the wash.  Because, let's face it, wash is hard to get around to when you have to haul not only the laundry, but a 17 lb baby up and down the stairs.

Rookie Mistkake #2: The bun.  Known on pinterest as the top knot.  I think it's cute.  It's easy.  Can be paired with a skirt as easily as it can be paired with sweat pants.  Apparently it's not attractive.  Says Handsome Husband.  And well, if I caught him once, I should be able to catch him twice.  But he says no way.  It's the scary monster in his nightmares.

Rookie Mistake #3:  My brain reflexes have been slowed down, immensely.  It used to be if there were a schedule conflict I could sort things out super quick and find un-used time or a second solution in seconds.  Now, if my plans are thwarted, I cannot for the life of me think of another solution.  I had a friend with me that I had begged to come with the pool with me.  We got to the front desk and the water aerobics was canceled because they were putting the bubble on to make the out-door pool indoor.  We turned around and drove home, I dropped her off, and as she got out of the car she said something about if it were closed next week we should go for a walk.  Duh!  Why didn't I think of that first?  And suggest it for this week since I still had a hour that I could leave Alaska at the babysitters?  Thinking on your feet is essential in the dating game.  If you want to stay a-top the jungle you have got to have solutions all over the place for dates gone wrong.  Had that of been a date it would have ended early due to my inability to think of a second idea.

And then there's Handsome Husband's rookie mistake.  He buzzed his hair.  It got too long, he hates getting it cut because no one can ever 'do it right' and he was in a 'I can do it myself' kind of mood.  The shears were opened, plugged in and his hair was gone.  And it looked bad.  BunX3 bad.  He's promised never to do it again.  And I've tried hard to find other quick-fix options for wet hair than the bun.

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