Monday, February 6, 2017

Talmage Musings

Why in the world is this kid sooooo cute!?!?!?!? At least twice a day I think to myself, "Oh my gosh. This one is mine!" His dark, dark eyes hold my soul. And I know that sounds pathetic. But he's my little boy. My first little boy. And I am his first girl. And we just love on each other. There's just something so extra-special about the love between a boy and his momma.

This past little bit has been super crazy with a drop-off to head start for C at 8 am and then a pick-up for her at 12 pm. And a drop-off for Alaska at 9 am and then a pick-up at 2 pm. When school started I knew I would need to make some good, solid choices. I could go to the gym in the morning when there is childcare. But that would mean sacrificing my morning with Talmage. And I didn't want to have my one-on-one time with him interrupted and distracted by the gym. So I chose to skip the gym and spend my mornings with him. We do things like read and play blocks and since I have been so sick we have done a lot of watching movies together. But we were snuggled and he didn't mind watching my non-animated shows.

He is the sweetest little thing - always dropping what he's doing to come give me a hug and a hello when I walk in the door from a day at work. Generous with the love of hugs and kisses and I just eat it all up.

This past week he got a hair-cut and I wasn't such a super fan, until I got him all dolled up for church with gel and hairspray and I just couldn't even stop looking at him! He was soooooo cute!

He went through a little nasty phase there for a second where he had quite the attitude. Mostly because I was too sick to do any kind of follow-through for bad behavior so he was getting away with most anything - and not just because he was cute. But because I couldn't move to put him in timeout when he didn't want to go or wouldn't stay put. I hoped at the time that I wasn't ruining him for life. And this week I can say, no, he's going to be ok. He was having a little attitude voice and would say 'Momma' almost like a swear word. Whenever he got upset or had to do something he didn't like, "Momma" and now I can barely hear it in my mind. Which is fine. Because I hated it. But it would have been something good to document because it was who he was for a month or so there.

Now he has turned that over for something much, much cuter and I need to remember to get it on video. But he does this little thing where he puts his hands on his hips and walks forward with his chest first, followed by his hips and legs. His face down low like he's mad but with a goofy little smile on it. It is just the cutest. And he knows it. He can't keep that goofy smile on long before it erupts into giggles.

The other day I had to take C to a dentist appointment and I took him along. It made my heart happy to be able to do that and not blink an eye. Because when Alaska was that age, I would have definitely had gotten her a sitter because I wouldn't have been able to be with C and be chasing a 2 year-old down the hall. But with Talmage, I knew he would sit on my lap or stand close and things would be just fine. It is so absolutely amazing to have a child that is a little more low-key.

Although, you wouldn't know that at church. He throws me for a loop every time. One, because he won't sit still unless he's out in the foyer. Then he is as still as can be and often falls asleep. And two, because even when I take toys, they never last long and he ends up chucking them to the row ahead of us or dropping them on the floor and twisting in my arms. Steven has to man him most Sundays and they sit quietly together while I wrangle both girls with coloring books or something of the sort.

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