Sunday, February 5, 2017

Lots of Changes Coming

We're doing a lot of changes around here. Steven got on the promotion list a couple weeks ago and has already had 4 interviews. None of them have stuck yet - but there is time.

His first one I was so so so excited about for Cottage Grove. I looked up houses, I looked up history on the town, I was all set to move into a large Victorian or a whimsical Kelly green house and even had Steven swing by the addresses while he was down there to interview. It ended up not working out, and it wasn't even that sad because he had three other interviews set up, which would get us into a bigger store and give us more money even though the Cottage Grove position was for assistant manager and these bigger stores are for a position one less than assistant manager. So I guess everything is working out ok.

The next two were in Washington, which, being an Oregon girl, I have a little bit of a beef with Washington. Because so many people think they are so similar - but they really are not. And Oregon is way better and everyone knows it, even if no one can say exactly why.

And the third was in King City - which is total retirement place with a sprawling gold course and houses start at $300K. For a two bedroom. So I wasn't really so excited. Because even the surrounding cities are expensive since it's so close to Portland. And in a fair world, we would be able to pay for a house in that area by working in that area. But I really think not. The other Washington stores were the same. To buy house was out of our budget.

And then there is the change that will come with C. I have been so sick. So worn out. Everything has become a big deal. Her volume, her inability to focus, the way she always has to do what Talmage is doing. It has just all been adding up. And then the possibility of this move we will have to make in the next little while. On top of all that is the shadow of the terminating of the rights of the parents. Apparently even after the papers have been served, the waiting list for a court date is 6 months out, and I haven't even heard yet if there is a court date set. And then the fact that even after the court date, then DHS is finally free to be looking for a family for these kids and they are going to try to keep at 4 of them together. Someone is going to have to do some fast talking to get that done, is what I think. Finding these kids a home is a long ways out.

Before Steven got on the list, I thought I could make it to June, when school gets out. But I have let DHS know that they need a new home for her by spring break - the end of March. I cannot do this forever and I definitely don't want DHS scrambling for a home for C while we are trying to clean house and pack and find new housing and everything. It's just more than I can handle.

Right now - the foster mom of the older sister - will have an opening in her house right at Spring Break time. She has told DHS that the sister needs new housing come the end of June, when school is out. They won't do another summer with her home all day. So, what will probably end up happening is DHS will put C in with her sister for the remaining of the school year and then they are going to try and find a family that has no other kids. A family that can give these two girls 100% of the attention they both so desperately need. I've already been giving C 100% of everything and you know what, it has just worn me out. I am just literally worn out. I cannot do a high maintenance child like that forever. I could do a year. But that is about my threshold max, I have decided.

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