Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two Months With Alaska

Favorite Things: Snuggling with me in bed after your last night/early morning feeding.

Special Talent: You have perfected the art of coaxed smiles. Sometimes you'll even tell a little story if you know dad and I are listening.

Favorite Pastime: Sitting on my lap and looking. Just looking.

Sleep: You did awesome while we were in Oregon, 9-5 and then back down until 9. Perhaps because your naps weren't what they are when we're home? Lately you've been still going down at 9, thanks goodness, but then getting up around 3 and again around 7.

Crying: We're finally able to communicate and it is so relieving! I can still remember the first time I knew what you were saying and was able to calm you accordingly, the first try.

Eating: We have you on formula now and you are a much happier little angel because you are no longer always hungry even though your former eating habits could rival those of a 14 year-old anorexic.

Dislikes: Stroller rides. If I want to get out for a walk I've got to make sure you're sound asleep before we start moving. And if I don't turn around soon enough and you wake up before we get home you will scream the whole way back home, even if it's 15 minutes.

Likes: Your love for kicking has not slowed down and you've added the "everybody raise your hands" dance move into the mix while you squirm on the ground. You also like riding around on your daddy's belly in the front pack while we go for walks, so long as we are moving.

My Favorite Part: Smoothing the cowlick on the back of your head into a perfect circle with some baby lotion after a bath.

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