Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Things are going to be different"

I have been spared the, "boys are so much different than girls" speech for the most part during this pregnancy.  Or if I haven't, it hasn't bothered me because I admit it straight up and confess how nervous I am.  Seriously.  Alaska is super awesome but it's taken us a long time to get to the point of her to be content reading books, drawing or coloring.  She's always on the move and never really making messes.  Not the kind you see with the flour dumped all over the floor or the toilet paper unrolled through the whole house.  Not that kind.  Just busy messes.  And I like to think that's me, keeping everything messy out of reach, but I know it's partly her, too.  And I can't stand the thought of cleaning up messes.

What I haven't been spared is the, "Things are going to be different."  No der.  But we'll glide gracefully into whatever it is that will be different and if we can't, we'll cannon-ball the heck out of it.

But for right now we're just enjoying the 'now'.  The parts where I can re-do Alaska's hair if her pigtails are lopsided because we have the time.  The parts where I can slide her Sunday clothes on and tie a perfect bow.  The parts where we have all day together, just the two of us, and we fill it with potty training and reading books and painting toenails.  The parts where we make messes in her room and leave it until its time to run a vacuum through there again.  We're piling those on, breathing them in deep, and knowing that things will change.  They undoubtedly will.

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