Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christmas Browsing in November

Yesterday Alaska and I were having a hard day.  Not that it was hard, it was just long, really. Really long.  I didn't feel so well and I hated letting her watch Word World after her nap.  I needed a good pick-me up and Handsome Husband needed some poster board for a sign.  

As much as I dislike going to WalMart, that is where we headed.  I don't know.  It's so 'college' to me.  I would much rather spend a little extra and go somewhere locally owned where not everyone in their pajamas go.  But it's what we've got.  And sure, sometimes it's all the energy I have to get my hair done to get out the door and cute clothes would be the tipping point, but at least I wear yoga pants instead of my pink owl pj bottoms.  Let's show some respect around here.

We took our time and went straight back to the seasonal and walked through all the ready-made gift ideas, candy and your classic Christmas Bling.  Then through what used to be the garden section, turned out-door decor and wrapping.  Alaska loved Santa driving the airplane with a propeller that spun, all 8 ft of it.  It was hideous.  I picked up and smelled cinnamon pinecones and scentsicles smelling like Chritmas Tree, breathing in deep.  Winter White Fir.  Passed through the glass bulbs that have been replaced by safe plastic, losing their fragile appeal and landed among the classic ornaments of Disney characters and miniature leg lamps from 'A Christmas Story'.
There is something demanding about the season that requests to be seen, smelled and experienced.  Felt deep in the heart.  Our apartment right now is so cozy it easily feels cluttered if there is one item out of place.  We have two good sized half-walls that could simply collect things just by being.  I am constantly clearing them off and keeping them clutter free because it makes the biggest difference in the atmosphere as to how it feels and how I feel, besides vacuumed floors.

There's no place to put decorations, half-walls included because it doesn't matter what's on them, it feels like too much.  I left our Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations in their boxes this past season and thought the Christmas would have to stay packed up, as well.  But as I look around, we could use a little Christmas cheer.  As annoying as decorations are to put up and take down, they add enough to make it worth it.  I am anticipating the day when Alaska is excited about decorations and begs to pull the boxes down.  Setting her nativity up the day after Thanksgiving, like I used to.  And I'll embrace it again then.  But right now it just seems too big.  Except Christmas.  We're going to need some Christmas this year.  No tree.  We haven't got the room for that.  But some glass balls hanging from the ceiling is a Christmas tradition around here. 

This year I have big plans.  I've been saving money for a while now and have plans to set out Christmas for a couple of families.  I am really excited about it and have already started collecting ideas.  It makes it so wonderful, to be getting gifts for someone, and to have it be a surprise on top of it.  The kids are still young enough to believe in Santa if they wanted to and I've got plans that include lots of wrapping paper and lots of glitter.

My other big plan is to learn more about Christ.  To KNOW Him.  I mean, sure, I know your regular stuff and I've read Jesus the Christ, but I want to know more.  That is what my December is going to be about.  Christ and what He did with the short life He had and the people that He spent His time with.  It all seems so miraculous to me.  So magical and divine.  That a man could teach so much, in such a short time.  Touch so many lives, and not only those have been touched for generations.  But touch those that He literally touched.  I am always trying to be Christlike, because that's part of my promise that I made to Him when I was baptized.  But I think it's always good for us to immerse ourselves in the goodwill for others.  A great huge dunking of goodness where we notice the good we have been doing because we look for it and record it, not just because we are living it casually every day.

Bought some cinnamon scentsy today and plan to bring Christmas in with a huge hug!  Right after Thanksgiving, of course.

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