Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pizza at 10

Growing up, living in the boonies, there was never a pizza joint close enough to deliver to the door.  The kind where they bring your pizza to you in a heat-safe case, dripping cheese and that crumbly flour they put on the bottom.  Where they ring the bell and you hurry to the door, on your way gathering up all the five dollar bills you rummaged for in your jean pockets.  And maybe you pay a little extra for a tip because you don't want the poor guy to have to balance everything for some change.  Besides, seriously, you really just want him gone asap so you can dig in and burn your tongue on that first bite.

I love ordering pizza for delivery.  No hunting around for socks and shoes.  No having to put a bra back on after you've gotten so comfy in your sweats and sweatshirt.  No having to rock-paper-scissors for who has to go pick it up.  It's just there, brought right to you.  And I love, love, love it.  Our local Papa Johns even has an online ordering system and you can get points for using it instead of calling in your order.  Life just got better.

It was one of those nights where I had a late lunch and wasn't hungry at dinner time.  Handsome Husband had the same problem and it wasn't until 9:47 that we got the munchies.  13 minutes to close and we sent our order in via online.  30 minutes later the doorbell rang and we ate pizza in bed that night while watching Brave.

Brave.  I didn't think I would like it.  The trailers had all seemed a little heavy on the bathroom humor and I am not much into that.  But it was good.  Really good.  Watch twice in a row good.  It's one that we will definitely be buying.  Except for that bear.  That bear is humongously scary and torturous looking and scared the squeal out of me when he entered the stage.  If that wouldn't give a five year-old nightmares then maybe Snow White would.  That evil queen is pretty evil looking.  And in Sleeping Beauty, too.

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