Friday, April 6, 2012

Remember When

It happened on accident. I have been searching all over for dandelion things to put in Alaska's room and while I was out wandering while waiting for pictures to be developed I found a photo album with a dandelion on it.

I snatched it up as if someone were right behind me, eyeing the same thing. I didn't even think about how much I love scrapbooking and how there would never be any pictures to put in it because they would all be scrapped with journaling beside them in a larger 12x12 book. If this were a perfect world where I could spend time doing that again. Really that's a lame excuse. You can always make room in your life for something that you love to do. You should anyways. It's healthy.

My mind started whirling as to what I could use this cute little book for. More than decoration because let's face it, the best decorations are the ones that are useful as well. And then I was inspired. My cousin has this cute little quirky way of posting pictures to facebook. She starts every photo album title with 'Remember When'. Even if it was just that weekend, 'Remember When we went to Prom', and then sometimes things that I am sure have been on her camera for awhile, 'Remember When we won the state tournament?'

Needless to say, I was inspired. Alaska's dandelion book with hold all of her 'Remember Whens'. All of the things that we don't have pictures of but we want to remember.

"Remember when we went on a walk and came back home and did core in the living room. You loved me being down on the floor with you and thought my crunches were funny. You did your leg lifts beside me and when I flipped on my stomach to do a minute of 'super mans' I flipped you on your tummy to do head lifts." Love, Momma

And that's just one. I am sure I've got a handful that I could already write down and I hope that her family can help me with the 'Remember Whens' by writing their own that we can add into the book. I think it would be so precious to have all different handwritings and memories compiled into a book for her when she wonders what she was like as a baby and what people thought of her.

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