Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just a Few Remember When's from this Week

Remember when we used to talk using only smiles. We would sit in the big red chair together, my legs propped up over the right arm rest as you relaxed against them. You were better at smiling when you didn't have to concentrate so hard on balancing your head. I would say something and you would smile. I would say something and you would smile bigger. I would say something and you would smile so big your eyes would squint. I would say something and you would smile real big and blink your squinting eyes at the same time and we would start over at the first smile. Remember when your Grandma Mary went in to give you a kiss on the cheek while you were looking away. The movement caused you to turn your head and instead of her giving you a puckery kissy kiss on your soft, dry cheek, you gave her a slobbery mouth kiss on the lips. Remember when it was late at night and I was trying to put you down after 5 oz of formula. I had cuddled you and rocked you and held your binkie in for the required 22 minutes and was setting you down on your pink sheet when your little eyes popped open. You looked up at me even before my arms were out from under you and we both knew. Silent communication told me that you weren't going to sleep until I had held you just a little bit longer. You smiled in the soft glow of the hall light that tip-toed into your room at night and closed your eyes as I lifted you again into my arms. Eyes closed or not, you weren't going to be putting yourself to sleep that night. Remember when you had your first encounter with dandelion wishes. They have always reminded me of you, even before you were born, and they were the theme in your room. I thought it would be cute to have you hold one, you thought it would be tasty to eat. It was quite the surprise when you went to put it in your mouth and instead of being solid it was airy and tickley, going straight up your nose.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I'm home, I'm thinking I didn't kiss that baby girl enough.
