Friday, October 14, 2011

Fact of Life: Kool-Aid Can Never Have Enough Sugar

Kool-Aid will forever stain your upper-lip. It knows no age limit and will pierce your skin with its red dye any day of the week for the cost of a sip. I needed some kool-aid this week. Seriously. Kool-aid. Who even thinks of that stuff? I got some. All red flavors. What was I thinking? We all remember the one kid in elementary school with the kool-aid mustache every morning. What their parents were thinking, who knows, but they would always show up to school with a bright red smile, a little turned up at the edges with the imprint of cup lines. For some reason the red is extra potent. I've never seen a kid with a blue or green mustache, it's always red. Weird things. Anyways, I was that kid this week. I had a red ring around my mouth one night and couldn't get it to dull to a light orange until after a shower. Gotta be careful with that stuff.

Fact of life, kool-aid can never have enough sugar. I was all trying to be healthy, just needed some flavored water. Nothing too sweet. Well... I started with 1/2 a cup of sugar and that stuff was sour!?! So I added what I thought was another half a cup. I couldn't be sure since all of our measure cups were dirty in the sink. There was no way I was reaching my hand in there to grab something when my eyes are pretty good at guesstimating. Perk of baking a lot. Though I've gotten a little rusty. Obviously. 'Cause that 'cup' was definitely no 'cup.' It was definitely more like a tablespoon. There was no way a cup of sugar mixed with the red food dye could taste so bad! Only way to fix that was to keep adding sugar. And so I did. A lot. And it's still not awesome... but it's drinkable. Is there an age that you outgrow kool-aid? The age where no amount of sugar can make that stuff taste good?

I remember in 5th grade it was the cool thing to mix your dry kool-aid packet with the sugar and put it in a plastic bag to eat later on the bus. I was cool. I was part of the clique that looked like we were doing some kind of dangerous drug 'cause our index finger would always be dyed a deep color from licking it wet to dip into our joints over and over again. Who thought of that, anyways? But it was soooo good!

I don't know if kool-aid has an age limit for whether it tastes good or not, but it definitely has no age limit as to dying an unsuspecting person's lip red and it has no limit to how much sugar should be added to make it good.

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