Friday, July 22, 2011

Flaming Gorge part 1

As everyone knows, Steven and I LOVE roadtrips. We love talking, singing to the I-pod, dancing our best seat-moves as we pass cars in the fast lane and me snuggling up close to his bulky arm and sleeping. It's the best. The best besides the neck cramps and the bum pains.

Steven's family (as in his mom's brothers and sister and mom and dad and cute cousins) do an annual get-together and this year was camping. Now, you must know that I have not been camping since my last year of Girl's camp in 2007. Some quick math says four years. That's a long time. And there are some reasons behind that.

I hate waking up sweaty from a non-breathing sleeping bag. I don't like dew. Camping food takes more time to make than to eat and even MORE time to clean and put away. If your stuff touches the tent side and it rains your stuff gets soaked. There is tons of walking. Walking to the bathroom, walking to the running water, walking for recreation, walking to keep yourself from going crazy, walking. I don't like changing my clothes so many times. Waking up and putting jeans and sweatshirt on and then a hour later having to change into shorts and t-shirt to keep from suffocating. The regular stuff. Mmm... the sun. It's everywhere. And if it's not everywhere, than it's freezing cold in the shade. This girl has a hard time with temperature.

We started our 4-hour road trip to the Flaming Gorge when I got off work at 5:30, which doesn't say a lot 'cause that means that we still didn't leave the house until 7:30 or so. It's hard work packing last minute. We weren't so well prepared for this trip this time, leaving without our usual stock of drinks and candy. I have something terrible against eating healthy in the car. Kind of defeats the purpose of a road-trip if you know what I mean. We had 4 hours ahead of us and we made the most of it. We raced a mustang, and seriously, it felt like we were racing a horse through that canyon. Steven did his best to make that animal move and kind of rode beside them for a bit and then took off. The mustang stayed behind for about 5 minutes and then I guess got sick of us taunting him and raced off ahead of us.

Finally around the 3 hour mark we were getting a little antsy and stopped at the last place of civilization for some gas and nourishment supplies. I love tootsie rolls, the original chocolate kind the best, and most gas stations have a nice collection of the huge ones for a buck. Well... not this one. Seems not too many people share my love for the chocolate chewiness 'cause Steven came out with 6 of the medium size ones. You know, the long skinny ones that you get in a pack of fun candy at the store that's got the dots and suckers and tootsie rolls in it? Yeah, 6 of them. And they were rock hard. Those things have been sitting there for quite the amount of time. But I still loved them. It took me all of three minutes to get through all of them. Which made for a long time as Steven gnawed on his nasty candy bars that I didn't dare touch 'cause they are kinda gross. I think he did it on purpose.

We made it to the campsite just after everyone had gone to bed and were hardly ready for it to end. We had just gotten started!

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