Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3 Months with Alaska

Favorite Things:

Special Talent: Talking up a storm and sucking your breath in when you're happy. Sometimes you suck it in too fast and too hard and cough up a lung.

Favorite Pastime: Visiting people. You love the attention of grandmas telling you that you are the cutest baby they have ever seen and other mommies commenting on how alert you are.

Sleep: The never-ending battle. You go to bed at 8 and get up to eat at 11:30 almost exactly on the dot every night. We have a mini formula-party around 2:30 or 3 and then you wake up with Daddy at 5:30 or 6.

Crying: It seems as if you are more particular these days and while you don't cry a whole lot, you huff and puff if you're being held the wrong way or need some attention.

Dislikes: The Car Seat. Whether it tilts you back just enough so you're not sitting up straight like you love or it's because you can't see everything that's going on we cannot put you in there without a complaint.

Likes: Sitting in your bouncy chair. You watch me put my makeup on and do my hair in the morning and later in the evening you watch as I make dinner.

My Favorite Part: When you are through eating and ready for a nap I tilt you up on my shoulder to burp you and you nuzzle in, ready for a long stay.

1 comment:

  1. And the person who misses you the most is this Grandma right here. It has been way too long since I kissed your cheeks, patted your back, snuggled you while you slept, read you a story, counted your toes . . .
