Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where were we...

It's hard, I always have so many things to write about, and then I finally get to a computer and kapow, it's all done and gone left my brain. Usually I think of spunky title names and one-liners on my way to work and back. 30 minutes in the car can do that to a person. And then I pick Handsome Husband up from work and we get home and scrounge something up for dinner, which this week will be tuna sandwiches and carrots. (Going back to the college days since I gotta pay for a stinkin' ticket! That's right. A ticket. Me. Master of avoiding police cars. A ticket. Dumbest thing I have EVER done. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Enough on that. That's another post.) And then it's all I can do to get my dishes in the sink and fall into bed. Seriously. I am that tired. Usually Steven will have a movie picked out for us to watch. And I fall asleep during that. Doesn't leave much time for blogging my brilliance into cyberspace. Bummer for the world.

But really. Our little baby kicked me. (I am still afraid that if I call her 'our little girl' I am going to jinx it and we will be picking out blue accessories rather than pink.) At first I thought it was just my food settling. It really feels just like that. Little bubbles popping in your stomach. But then I noticed them coming at kind of weird times and not at all predictably. Unless I am in the car with a seat belt on. Then I can count on feeling her push against where the belt is. Is that a sign? Something about pushing boundaries or something? Let's hope not. So I've got a bubble blower in my stomach and it's kind of a weird sensation. And that's where we are on this road called 'creating life.' Mind you, it's been a rough, gravel road with A LOT of pot holes. But I think it's starting to move toward a decent highway right now and if I could just get my belly to grow a little bigger life would be much more smooth. Right now I still look like I've got 10 lbs added to my belly and little love handles stick out from my jeans. Not what any pregnant lady wants to look like but I am sure it will give way to a beastly stomach and some awesome looking hips in the end.

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