The Sunday after everything went down and blew up in my hands I was off to my parents' ward. John was giving a talk and even though he didn't want everyone there - he wanted me there. I took Talmage and I went. I stayed the whole time, going to Sunday School and Relief Society. And what would you know. The topic was marriage and family between the two of them. I wasn't in the mood, but I took note and listened with my heart.
The second Sunday after everything went down and blew up in my hands we were to Steven's parents' ward for Megan's returning from the mission talk - what's that, her mission report? Anyways. What happened there was incredible. A wonderful talk was given on gratitude. And it was a lesson that I wish I could give to myself again and again.
The speaker started by telling a story of Christ. When He was giving his sermon on the mount. So many people wanted to hear what he had to say. There were hundreds. And they were getting hungry. They had been listening for so long. Drinking in everything that he had to teach, but they were getting hungry. Christ did not panic. He remained calm and said, "Bring me what you have." The apostles were worried and apologetic. Seven loaves and a handful of fish were all the people had among them. Christ did not worry. He blessed what they had in gratitude and the food was multiplied so that everyone was able to eat. Because of his gratitude, he had enough.
There is something beautiful in every situation. In every hard day there is something worth noticing. And I thought about my situation. Of how there was so much sad and hurt happening and then I thought about how this is what had to happen to finally get us into counseling. We've needed counseling for a long time and now - finally - it was going to happen.
That day's blessing was my three dark haired children sitting beside me at church. Their hair and eyes seemed extra chocolatey because they were all dressed in white. Talmage in beige shorts and a white polo and Alaska in her white crocheted dress with all the lace. Axton in a gray romper with large, white polka dots. The moment that I remember looking down on them, Talmage was holding Axton and kissing his little head while Alaska sat beside the two of them - alert to the bishopric member opening the meeting.
Give gratitude. Kneel down and give thanks. When we can see the sunlight in the darkness, the good in the bad - that is when learning has occurred and life can continue on.
And the third Sunday. Heavenly Father knows that my heart is especially good at listening on Sunday. It is this day that I think of the things that are so close and dear to my heart and how to get those things and keep them.
We had a wonderful lesson in Young Womens based on the song, "I Will Be What I Believe" by Blake Gillette - after which we watched the music video. It was a powerful message of taking heart in our heritage of believers and standing up for what we believe. In my case, persevering and making it happen. I believe in Eternal Families and because I believe it - I will be an Eternal Family through the covenants I have made. The world would have me believe that when things get hard, discard. But through the blessings I know that are mine this hard part that I am doing right now will be made right in the end. Getting on our knees and praying for guidance takes a lot of bravery and trust as we follow the clear and true feelings of the spirit.
Satan is attacking the families. He has been doing that for a long time. If the family can be destroyed then the rest of society will disintegrate as well. I was reminded of another song lyric from when I was a youth. "I will not be causality in this war I didn't start." I will keep my family together. I will return to live with my Heavenly Father and I will do it with my husband by my side.
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