Sunday, May 21, 2017

Having 4 Kids

What I've learned having 4 kids:

It's easier to take them out and do something on a Saturday than to keep them at the house entertained without going crazy about the mess that is happening.

I think I have 'a lot' of kids - and consequently keep looking around for a 5th child after counting the 4.

If any of them have a name that starts with the same letter - they will consistently be called by the wrong name, even when I am looking right at them.

There is always, always, someone too close to me. My body, my hands, my feet. Everything is constantly being touched.

The "I love yous" are plentiful.

Bed time is no longer a race of 15 minutes. It is a marathon. It is a different kind of tired. A more whole-body, fulfilling type of tired rather than the harried, brain hurting type of tired.

We make the cutest line of hand-holders anywhere we go where there is a parking lot.

2nd graders are awesome. They read. They do math. They are responsible. I can set all the kids on the couch a D will read to them, happily earning minutes towards her 60 minutes a week on her reading log.

Reading happens. Having a 2nd grader who has to have 60 minutes a week of reading recorded makes us read at night. Steven doesn't understand the benefits of reading books out loud - still - and it drives me crazy. But with the added requirement of the reading log makes it happen.

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