Favorite Things: Watching Alaska play around you.
Special Talent: Crawling and then sitting up.
Favorite Pastime: Army crawling laps around the house. You want to explore everything and while you spend a lot of time chasing after your sister, you also spend a good amount of time crawling under and around the table, down the hall and on into Alaska's bedroom if the door happens to be open. She has learned quickly that if she wants you to stay out of her stuff she needs to have her door closed.
NickNames: T-Man and Bubby.
Sleep: Up at 7, down at 8. A couple naps, one at 9 am and another around 1 pm.
Eating: You are all switched to cereal and a baby food. I give you 4 oz of formula in a sippy cup when you are all done.
Crying: At night when bed time rolls around. You don't cry until I have you in bed. You would be happy to stay up until midnight, but as soon as I get you in bed you break into all kinds of crying.
Dislikes: People being too close. You are always backing up to get a better look at faces.
My favorite part: Your slobbery kisses. When I am kissing on you, you will often turn on me and open your mouth wide for a taste of my cheek and chin.
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