It seems that there are times when I cannot get enough of pinterest and then other times when I don't visit for weeks at a time. Sometimes I am just picture surfing, other times I will click a link and actually read it. This past week I opened a link titled 'How to cut your laundry time in half.' I am all about saving some time and most definitely could use anyone's ideas on how to most effectively get the clothes off the couch after they have landed all warm and nice smelling and tend to stay there enough days to get sat upon and crumpled and tossed off and back on a time or two.
Well, turns out, after reading about pre-sorting darks and lights as you wear them, as in having a light and dark basket, and then being able to dump all like clothes in the washer, being sure to pay attention to when it stops and change efficiently to the dryer and then sorting the clothes into who's is who's piles and putting their baskets in their room, having them fold and put away their own clothes and bring baskets back to the home base of the laundry room - I am already doing the least amount of work required. I have that system nailed. Thank you, not thank you. I need MORE!
I have even gone so far as to have a system of clothes. Being in a too-small apartment makes me absolutely loathe excess and I have the kids' clothes cut down to the bare minimum. Yes, they are nice clothes, but they need to be when I see them being worn once a week. I don't have a pile of clothes hidden in their dresser drawers that they only wear in emergency or when things need to be switched up because I can't stand a striped shirt. Nope. They basically have their Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday outfits. And it's not like I have titled them that way, that's just the way it goes. That they wear my more favorite outfits earlier in the week and then they get less and less favorited until a day comes that we're going grocery shopping and then I be sure to have my favorite outfit of theirs washed and ready to go out in public.
I only buy clothes on sale because I have a curse that follows me - but it tends to be the case that if I get an outfit full price it is the first outfit to get a hole or a stain. So, out of pure intent to keep their clothes looking as nice as possible, I only buy clothes on sale and for some reason or another they tend to stay nice. Sure, I've had my laundry battles, but a good bottle of spray and wash or a biz soak conquers most all. Talmage has just started eating baby food and I already know he will never know the sweetness of yams or sweet potatoes because those orange foods stain harder than I have the energy to get out. Carrots are borderline, but I can usually get them out after a second wash.
It's processes like these. Articles that promise more time and then turns out I am already doing as the article prescribes and there's nothing to win from reading. The other articles that I always scour and then end frustrated is how to cut your grocery bill in half. You know, things like only buying the basics, only buying what is on sale, only buying what is on your list, only buying store brand, blah blah blah. I have yet to read one of these articles that actually helps me because I am not already doing whatever it lists above.
This makes me laugh. Why? Because I know exactly how you feel. There is no way to cut my grocery bill in half or shorten the time of laundry because doing these things that supposedly help are the only way we survive. Barely survive I should say....