Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 20

March 20th

Spent the first part of the day cleaning up the house hard-core style and put in a couple of maintenance requests that didn't necessarily have to be done, but it would be nice just to have the house updated.  I read some good advice from a blog.  If you keep your house up to par like you are about to move, you will love your house that much more.  I totally agree.  There's something satisfying about having clean walls and having everything working and the lights matching and all that.

Steven had the day off and after Alaska's nap we went to Washington Square to get ourselves an apple computer.  We opted for the 13" laptop and it has been absolutely perfect!  We even got to use my sub ID to get an educator's discount.  All that schooling is starting to pay off.  So glad I chose the major that I did.

While Steven was doing all the paperwork Alaska was trailing a stink aura and I had to make an emergency exit to get her to a bathroom.  Only, you wouldn't suppose who had forgotten the diaper bag, hu?  Diapers and wipes are the only thing we need to carry our diaper backpack around for and most times I forget it.  Luckily poops lately have been pebbles so I dumped them in the toilet and put the soggy thing back on.

We weren't going to be out much later, anyways.  Just dinner and be on our way home.  Just dinner turned into swinging by deseret book and looking around a little bit at the new art and new books.  Which then turned into swinging by the visitor's center.  A hour and a half later we're just barely deciding as to where to eat and her soggy bum has turned into 10 lbs of saturated diaper.  It wasn't even soggy anymore.  It was rock hard from so much pressure pushing against the lining.

Steven turned left and we searched and searched for a grocery store or a gas station or anything that might carry a diaper.  Passing through residential streets and admiring the huge houses was fun but didn't distract us from the possibility of an explosive diaper riding in the back seat.  10 minutes of driving dumped us out by a high school and around the corner a stripmall and gas station.  And what do you know.  The stripmall housed a store boasting, "The friendliest store in town" named Earth Friendly Grocery.  I took one look at that and new we were going to be getting some organic diapers that would cost a fortune.

And I am not even kidding when I say, everyone in there was friendly.  Both customers and employees were super nice and everything was presented in the most appeasing fashion.  It was absolutely adorable.  It was a store no larger than a safeway, perhaps just a tad bit smaller, but they had a whole half-isle with bulk granolas and flours.  We found our diapers.  All chlorine free and brands we knew nothing about.  We grabbed the smallest, most economic package we could find and Steven opened it in the isle, sending me to the bathroom with Alaska while he went to the register and payed.

I might also add that even the store brands were happy, most literally.  A whole line of baby food titled Happy Tummies.

We went to Applebees for dinner afterwards and Alaska was absolutely exhausted.  But she's too awesome to cry when she's tired.  Especially when there's so much to look at.  Her sleepy eyes watched the basketball game on the t.v. and when she just couldn't anymore she laid her head in my lap since we were at a booth.  She ate her fair share of the onion ring appetizer and even managed to eat a few bites of her own dinner.  Which never happens.  She was pleasant and laughed and smiled and I couldn't stop telling Steven how lucky we are to have such an awesome person as part of our family.

We weren't even out of the parking lot before Alaska was asleep in her carseat and we drove home with our awesome family.

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