Handsome Husband does not often get a Saturday off. We have had three Saturdays off since we moved here in March. It is now October. But when he does get Saturday off, the nice guys at Les Schwab make sure he gets a Monday off, as well, and all of a sudden we have a three days weekend! Which requires doing something 'big' and 'awesome'.
This three day weekend we took a trip to Seattle. I was assigned to teach young womens that Sunday and since it was the last lesson of the month I didn't feel like I could ask someone to trade me and have to take a rain check for it. Our three day vacation turned into a two day vacation with a little weekend snuck in there.
Saturday brought the sauerkraut festival and a stake temple day. I HAD to go to the sauerkraut festival and I knew that Handsome Husband and I should be making that trip to the temple. And not just a trip, but the trip that would put us there in the chapel to hear the special words that were intended for our stake at the appointed time. It was an emotional thing for me, as last-minute plans and changing plans have become something really hard for me to handle, but it was arranged for us to be there.
Generally, we don't take pen and paper in with us, but I felt if I were to be somewhere hearing a few messages I should take special note of them. I also took the time to make special note of the feelings I had felt and the things I had thought.
1) The temple will bless our families. Not just by being sealed for all eternity, but as we serve in the temple, our families and dear ones will be blessed. The angels will be near to raise them up and guard them.
2) Why are we taught from such a young age to look towards the temple? Why is it such a pulling force? Because the Lord has chosen someone to work in His place and be His mouthpiece. The gospel has been restored. This is the essence. To do the work of eternity.
We had stopped by the sauerkraut festival on the way into Portland and had taken the time to look around. I do love a good festival and the sauerkraut bratworst was the best ever! Next year I may be brave enough to try the sauerkraut icecream, but not this time. Alaska rode in her stroller, pointing out each dog we passed and saying, "dog, dog, dog, dog..." until we replied, "Yes, that is a dog."
Saturday night I prepared my lesson, which was a new step for me. I am more of the, 'prepare a lesson the morning of' kind of girl. This whole being 25 years old thing is really working out for me. Making me quite the responsible person. I love teaching the young women. I just love, love it. And instead of being nervous, I get excited. I love them so much and it makes it easy to teach.
Sunday we packed our bags in a hurry, stuffed everything in the car around the jogging stroller and pack 'n' play and set off for Seattle.
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