Favorite Pastime: Visiting with people. You are a social butterfly already and can charm a compliment out of anyone with your everlasting smile. Your daddy had to take you out of priesthood because you were being a little fussy but once church was over and people were looking at you again you cheered right up.
Sleep: You slept in your car seat all this month. Next step... the crib! You sleep through the night starting at 7:30 and take a nap that can range between 1-3 hours.
Crying: There's a lot more of this now that you tend to get frustrated with your inability to get where you want to be.
Dislikes: When it takes me too long to make a bottle.
Likes: You pretty much love everything. You have been so awesome to have around. The best addition to our family. I couldn't have dreamed of a better baby then you have been.
My Favorite Part: Your little chubby legs are at just the right chubbiness and I love holding you and squeezing them a little as you suck on a bottle.
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