Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Greasy Butter

I didn't think that I could make fudge by myself. From what I can imagine it only takes 10 extra seconds of a pot on the burner without being stirred to burn a whole batch of melted chocolate and sugar. And maybe I was kind of exaggerating to get Handsome Husband to help me. But really. Melting chocolate and I have had our disagreements and I have come to the conclusion that the best way to melt some chocolate chips is in some pyrex placed in the oven. Fail proof.

While I added the ingredients to our cannon of awesomeness Steven buttered the pan for when our decadent treat would be done. Not just buttered. Slathered. We could have made some rice krispie treats with how much butter was in that pan by the time he was done. I didn't worry about it much since our fudge was going to be hot and therefore melt the chunks of butter still remaining and maybe absorb some of it.

Fudge doesn't absorb butter. It dispenses it. When we went to open up our creation later today there was butter film all along the top sides of our fudge making it look more like it had been dipped in bacon grease than anything else. I wouldn't let Steven take something that looked disgusting and tasted questionable so we sliced off the sides so that it looked gorgeous. Really. The texture on the inside looked good. It wasn't until you got it into your mouth and compared it to the peanut butter fudge I made later by myself that you could definitely tell a difference.

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