Our doorbell rang yesterday while I was cleaning the kitchen, errrr, taking a nap. The UPS has this nasty habit of doorbell ditching and so I left it as I heard pitter patter steps run back down the walk, nearly tripping on all the plates and holders of flowers I have splayed all over the porch, keeping them out of the direct rain and hail we've been getting recently. It was just one of those days, obviously, since I was napping instead of doing the dishes. Who does that? Dishes are such joyous company. And, let's face it, sometimes the couch can be grumpy. Not allowing a person a comfortable position no matter how hard they're putting effort into it. There's no meeting halfway on those days. It was one of those days.
Handsome Husband came home for lunch, but, psyche, it was home for good! Work was really slow and he volunteered to go first since I had the day off. He wanted to spend time with me.
I told him all about my day in all of two sentences and ended with, "and there's a package at the door." Neither one of us were expecting anything. We don't do much shopping on line and there aren't any huge holidays coming up, so our dear mothers wouldn't be sending any kind of care packages.
Steven grabbed the package from it's certain disintegration of being left on the porch. "It's my boots!" Now, this is truly a surprise because we went two weeks without buying groceries so that he could order those boots and have them by July. Yes. We got super creative in our meal preparation and I usually went hungry because I couldn't stomach some of our creations so that we could order those boots RIGHT THEN so that they would be here that much sooner, since they were going to take so long to get to us. July. They are here in May.
It really wasn't that bad, though. I mean... it was a good stretch for us to test our food supply and see that it is really not fit for consumption, LOL. Overall, it was an interesting experience, but not something I am about to do again. It was strengthening. Empowering even. That's right. We can go two weeks without getting more than the basics of milk and an extra bag of cereal. We are that awesome.
Grabbing the first sharp object he can find, that box comes apart in 3 slashes and he's taking out these leather bound pieces of awesomeness. They really did look good, for boots. He's lacing them up and cannot stop talking about them. How something can come out of a box two seconds before and roll a 10 minute conversation with no interruption is beyond me. I hear all about them and all about how awesome they are and all about how they're the best thing to happen to boot-kind and all about how they are going to make his work so much better and all about how they're so classy. Uhu. Work boots classy. I know. Crazy.
Of course, this meant that we had to go do something equally awesome to celebrate their arrival. So we got all dressed up, Steven suggesting I wear a skirt to match his awesome shoes. I only laughed and told him that they weren't that good. I would wear heels with jeans, but no skirt. And what do you know? The lift on those boots is so good that even with me in heels, he was still just a hair taller. He felt pretty awesome. Those boots were pretty awesome, as he kept telling me the whole night through as we went out to dinner twice, a matinée showing of Rio (soooo good!) and wandered around the mall holding hands.
I know, it sounds crazy, as I was just telling you that we went two weeks without buying groceries hardly a month ago. But it happens when the girl has got a craving for some Panda Express and HAS TO eat before the movie and the boy has a craving for Chik Fillet and can wait until afterwards.
We ended the night by cuddling on the couch, Steven wiping down his precious boots with bees wax and me trying to sleep on his moving shoulder as he wiped and double wiped those things down.
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