Wednesday, April 20, 2011

50% of $30 anyone?

Yes. I know that I am working at a retail craft store. But I did gradute from highschool. And I also hold a legit college degree, no offense to anyone with a 'universal studies' degree. And I am not in the business of judging anyone. But seriously. When I am asked how much 50% of $30 is I am going to raise an eyebrow before I answer.

Yes. It happened.

Working back in the frames gives me lots of opportunities to answer questions. Questions that usually begin with, "Do you have" and end with "a bathroom here?" Somehow being in the back of the store we get a lot of people that have wandered around all the sides of the store and finally find us as their someone to answer their time-sensitive question. Which is fine. Except that it's never a simple, 'yes' answer. It's a, "Yes, and there's a code." Which then sometimes panics people and they have to write it down mid-emergency. And then they have to follow the directions I give them as to how to locate the room with the air blower strong enough to tear your clothes off if you stand too close to dry your hands. It can be quite the process.

But I guess they figure a code on the bathroom will keep all of the homeless people on the street instead of relieving their bladders. And there are a lot of homeless people. They stand next to the cross walks at every single light and sometimes I wonder if there is ever a fight for who gets where or if they're all docile enough to let it slide if they're not up at 6:30 am. There are the regulars that I see on my way to or from work and I have gotten to a nodding acquaintance with these select few. It's definitely a relief to not have to fain interest in the changing light or the cars crossing in front of me after the accustomed nod has been shared.

One man had a cardboard sign that was bi-fold. How he was so creative, I have no idea, but half of his sign said, "smile" and when it was open all the way it broadcast his credentials. The usual. Cold, hungry, vet., homeless. I bet he could tell me what 50% of $30 was, if we ever get past the nodding acquaintance and move on to lip motions.

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