Not always are Handsome Husband and I doing crazy things. Well. Sometimes. But not always.
Today we went to a truck show with his family. Alaska rode a mini-train and I think she loved it. I didn't get to see since I took the opportunity of the long line and decent ride to feed Talmage so we wouldn't need to wait around for him.
The house has been a disaster for the past few days. We're talking clean clothes spread all over the couch, three days with no vacuuming, stuff everywhere and to top it off - one morning I slept in and Alaska helped herself to the cereal for breakfast and the chocolate chips for potty treats. She did come ask before each mess was made but I was too tired to help her and when I got up there was cereal all over the floor under her chair and chocolate chips spilled everywhere by the pantry. All that on the floor for three days.
Steven helped me clean up. Which is a big thing around here. I don't mind cleaning. I'm not much a big tv/movie watcher and there's no way Alaska would ever let me sit down and read a book of my choice, so cleaning is the only way I can escape. And it's not so bad. Except I sometimes get bogged down in the immenseness of it and I have a very good, too good, of eye for details. Like vacuuming under the couch and along the baseboards and wiping everything down for dust and cleaning the sink with a toothbrush.
It was great to have Steven help. I cleaned up the kitchen and gave Talmage a thorough bath while Steven did the rest. It was so nice to have it all done and not to have been the one who did it all. Afterwards is when it started to get crazy.
We put Alaska to bed and I was so in love and so rested from a great nap and an almost full night of sleep the night before that after sitting on the couch, just soaking in the cleanliness of it all, Steven asked what I wanted to do. I was just saying what was on my mind, not especially thinking anything would come of it. But ice-cream and a movie sounded really nice.
I don't know what came over us, but Steven has run out to get ice-cream and I have a few minutes to wait and I thought I would do a quick blog since this is something I want to remember.
A lot of things have happened these past couple months that I want to remember but they seem so monumental and important that I can't find the time to write about them.