On the 30th, Thursday, I decided I have had enough of this 'oh, what a boring day' business. My plan for the rest of this pregnancy is to do something awesome each day. Most especially since life will be changing again in June and I can't stand missing out on stuff I could have been doing before I have a constantly running and touching pair of shoes to follow while carrying a baby seat hooked on my arm. Makes me cringe just to think about it. And I don't think I am one of those moms who can just attach their babies to them in a front-pack. I don't like my babies all up in my face. Or maybe that was just Alaska because she never slept while we were moving out and about. Maybe this little boy, our Talmage, will be different.
So, as per tradition, I wore myself out on Friday doing awesome things and come Sunday I was ready to have a day at home. Brittany came over for a two hour craft project that ended up taking 5 hours and we planned another day this coming week to finish it up. I forgot how slow paint dries. Ooops. But it was nice to have someone to talk to and the time absolutely flew by. I just love that girl. We planned a trip to New Orleans in the summer of 2015, as well. When I shouldn't be pregnant and shouldn't have any baby weight left we're leaving and spending a week in the south to catch fireflies and eat gumbo and maybe check out an alligator. Or is it crocodile that live down there? Either way. We're going.
That evening we went to John's basketball game and watched them get whipped by a private school that had all black kids and a tall asian on their team. It was incredible. All that street ball, I guess. Dominique had gotten us balloons and cupcakes to celebrate our baby-boy news and she sat with us and played with Alaska while we watched John's team get stomped. I had to leave before her game started to spend the rest of the night with Steven at a tastefully simple party.
It was amazing! I love that stuff, almost enough to make me want to become a consultant and sell it. But I hate guilting people into buying stuff and I hate selling stuff in general, really, so I don't think I would be much of a consultant. Steven really liked it to, most especially because there were so many samples to try. And the fact that husbands had been invited, as well, so there were some boys for him to talk cars and guns with.
Saturday was pretty lame and it needed to be spiced up so Alaska and I went and saw Frozen. I just couldn't stand all the hype around it. Kind of like Harry Potter and that Bella and Edward... Twilight series. But as always, there's hype for a reason, and it was so good! I am glad that I waited until it was at the Columbia Theatre, the equivalent of a dollar theater around here, and only had to pay $4. It was wonderful!
I also started Divergent, a book that is going around like wild-fire. Everyone wants to read it before the movie comes out in March. I finished it in two days and am borrowing the next two books in the trilogy from one of the yw. I am not sure how I feel about trilogies, though. Usually I get wrapped up in them when the first book becomes a big deal and then have to wait a year for the next to come out and by that time I have forgotten the details of the first one I read and loose interested in the second before I can finish it. Or don't even have any real desire to start the second. I never finished the Harry Potter books nor the Twilight books for that very reason. Too much waiting and I just lost interest. This will be a nice change.
Sundays are killing me. With such late church and so much time before church. We were late the first Sunday of the time change and I knew that could never happen again. I have had us ready by noon since then and that seems to work much better. Except that Steven can never get on board and he's the one that makes us right on time. We always sit second from the back half-pew on the side. There's a grandma/grandpa couple that sit behind us and they love playing with Alaska. They have become our new family and when we were challenged a couple of weeks ago to switch where we are sitting I just can't bare of moving away from them! I don't mind sitting somewhere else, but they really do love Alaska and she tolerates their attention, which is about all you can ask from her. This past week the grandpa drew a picture of a farmer, complete with hat and sun and some meadow behind him and Alaska would take the paper from him each time he finished something and show me and then hand it back to him for him to keep working. She absolutely loved watching him draw.
Today, the 3rd, Alaska and I went to a music group called kindermusic. The closest to us is in Vancouver. A good 60 minutes away. The drive wasn't so bad and we passed a mall and a large shopping district. If I can find a Winco right in there it may be worth it to make the drive every week. It's such a long way to go for a 45 minute class. But she absolutely loved it and it would be so incredibly beneficial for following commands and trying new movements and exploring instruments and sounds. So many benefits that I want her to have! And the interaction with kids her own age. Although she is probably the same weight as most of them she is most definitely an inch or two taller than everyone, which I had never realized before. I mean, I should have when she started needing 3T clothes, but it's amazing seeing the difference. We've got one tall, beautiful girl on our hands.
After class we were both hungry because breakfast had been cut short to get to class on time. We went to Burgerville and even went inside to eat. She loved it and ate most of her hamburger and drank her milk. The girl who cashiered for us just thought Alaska was the cutest thing. They probably don't get so many babies in there. I mean, she is cute, but having just left a roomfull of two year-olds it was hard to see her as the gem that she really is out in the world where there aren't always clusters of babies.
It was interesting, the moms there. They were all nice enough, but no one was really friendly. We all just took care of our own babies and didn't really talk to one another. I think that may need to change. We should know about each other and about our kids. After-all, we are spending $50 a month for our children to play with instruments. Part of that should buy some mommy-comradery. Our first class was free, which was nice, but we'll have to budget hard to get the money together to pay for this class each month. All the other mommies seemed much older to me and I wonder if I look that old or if it's just really, I am the youngest one. They most definitely seemed to have their lives together with nice cars and husbands who get payed well. I keep telling myself, my time will come. Even if I have all four kids by that time.