28 - Almost one month done of writing every single day. No, not writing every single day. Writing about every single day. It's been hard but I like looking back and seeing all that work. And I will like it even more when I go back next December and see 12 months all lined up with 20+ blog entries for each month. It will feel amazing!
Steven got off work early and wanted to go shoot his gun up at his parent's house. Which is fine. Not my idea of a good time, but whatever. I don't love going up there, as I would rather be at my own house fixing my own dinner and doing my own stuff but we got into a little bit of a fight about it because I sometimes feel like I am so directly boring to him. And I can't help it. Every idea I had for spending the evening together was shut down. No adventures anywhere. And I am dying for an adventure right now. A good story. Something to the equivalent of looking for jo-jos at 9pm or going through the drive-through and asking for a quadruple burger. Finding a good treasure like a couch or table. Something with a good story. So I cried and he made me feel better and he still left but brought back pizza for dinner. And a secret between you and me? I make WAY better pizza crust than Papa Murphys. My white crust beats them out of the water and even my wheat crust can stand its own just by merely being wheat and being healthier. But I didn't want to wait for dough to rise and I didn't want to make a flour mess so I let Steven bring pizza home. And we ate off paper plates because all the dishes were clean. Yeah. I am that backwards. I like having all the dishes put away in their cupboard homes and just tossing paper plates once in awhile just so that there are no dishes to do, what so ever.
29 - We're having a boy! Which I knew. I totally called that! I've already got boy clothes and have plans to get more. I am also on the hunt for a cute bed sheet. Because bed sheets get seen a lot that first year. And even all the time, actually, so I want a cute one. No solid colors for me. I want a design.
We can't decide between Orson and Talmage for names and didn't even bother coming up with any girl names because I was so sure it was going to be a boy. And just so I can call it. The next baby will be a boy and the baby after that will be a girl. Sticking to my guns on this one.
Already Steven said "Talmage" to someone who isn't Mormon and they were all like, "What? What is that?" And so he's pretty insecure about it already. I don't really care. I love it. And I love the man's writings. And we'll just have to live in Utah where people will 'get it'. Decided and done. So I have decided to tell people, yes, we have a name, but no, we aren't telling. Because I don't need anyone talking us out of our names. Those things are hard to come up with!
We took Alaska with us to the ultrasound. Which, from other people's experiences with their kids, have been disasters and I thought one more time about getting a sitter for her. I am so glad we didn't. She loved every minute of it. She was so interested in the jelly they put on my belly and so interested in the tv that showed a baby and loved pointing at the baby. She tuned out a little to read a story and when the doctor was looking at the feet we showed her and she got so excited and pointed to her own feet and kept exclaiming 'feet, feet' It was absolutely darling. She did well through the whole thing and I am so glad we took her.
We were up at the OHSU campus and rode the air tram and she loved that just as much. The conductor man at the bottom gave her a sticker and that was the most important object to her for the remainder of the trip. She loved looking out at all the cars and over the river at the boats.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
24, 25, 26, 27
It's been a few slow, empty days for us around here. But I like it that way. It makes me antsy to get out and do. The pressure builds up a little instead of constantly being drained.
24 - friday... I am pretty sure it was just a quiet day at home. Oh, I remember why it was important. Because it was the first day all week that I felt 'ok'. No headache, no stomach ache and no other problems. I cleaned up the house and vacuumed and that felt really good.
25 - Saturday. Went to the baby shower with Brittany. Dropped Alaska off at my mom's house and met Brittany at the Scappoose movie theater to car-pool in together. We got there early since Brittany needed to set up her game supplies and help with decorations and stuff. I blew up and hung balloons with her sister. The shower was fun and I am pretty sure everyone had a good time.
We went to Panda Express afterwards and instead of running up to get Alaska from my mom's I went to Winco and did some much needed grocery shopping. I loaded up in the frozen food isle with a bag of every kind of prepared meal they had to offer and a few extra bags of frozen vegetables to add to the meals. It's what a girl's gotta do if a girl's gonna eat while pregnant. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to make you can bet that I've already looked at it too long and won't be eating it.
Ran up and got Alaska and Steven was able to go with me. Usually it's just me running her back and forth or staying to hang out a little bit and it was nice to have him there. My mom made dinner for us and it was so delicious! Parmesan chicken with red potatoes in garlic with a salad on the side. Definitely something I can't replicate right now but have plans to, soon.
26 - 1:00 church and I do not get along. By the time 1 comes around I don't feel like going to church. Even though it is nice to have the day 'be done' when we get home. The car was acting weird on our way home from my parents so Steven took it up to his parents' house to work on it a little. I couldn't stand leaving the house again, let alone as soon as we walked in the door, and Alaska and I spent the evening together.
27 - The first day of anything normal in a long time. I have a chore list on the fridge with something on it each day because I was going crazy during the summer. And by crazy I mean cleaning the bathroom twice in a week and vacuuming every day (I still vacuum every day) and feeling totally useless if the bedrooms were a wreck. And then feeling like I couldn't go and do anything until everything was done. So I made my list so that when one thing was done I could feel good about it and know that it was done and I didn't need to worry about the rest of it because over the course of the week it will get done.
Mondays are bathroom cleaning day. Alaska washed the mirror until the windex ran out and I didn't even bother her about it. She is quite good at cleaning up after herself and I didn't even have to teach her that. She just picked up on it. She loves squirting the windex bottle and wiping with her own rag, which she ran and got by herself when she saw I was cleaning the bathroom.
I even cleared out the dresser that we'll use for the baby. Mostly because everything else is already clean. We keep a tidy ship around here. I didn't empty it but I did go through it and clear out the junk and organize the stuff that's in there. I don't know where we'll put everything that's in there but we'll find a place, I am sure.
24 - friday... I am pretty sure it was just a quiet day at home. Oh, I remember why it was important. Because it was the first day all week that I felt 'ok'. No headache, no stomach ache and no other problems. I cleaned up the house and vacuumed and that felt really good.
25 - Saturday. Went to the baby shower with Brittany. Dropped Alaska off at my mom's house and met Brittany at the Scappoose movie theater to car-pool in together. We got there early since Brittany needed to set up her game supplies and help with decorations and stuff. I blew up and hung balloons with her sister. The shower was fun and I am pretty sure everyone had a good time.
We went to Panda Express afterwards and instead of running up to get Alaska from my mom's I went to Winco and did some much needed grocery shopping. I loaded up in the frozen food isle with a bag of every kind of prepared meal they had to offer and a few extra bags of frozen vegetables to add to the meals. It's what a girl's gotta do if a girl's gonna eat while pregnant. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to make you can bet that I've already looked at it too long and won't be eating it.
Ran up and got Alaska and Steven was able to go with me. Usually it's just me running her back and forth or staying to hang out a little bit and it was nice to have him there. My mom made dinner for us and it was so delicious! Parmesan chicken with red potatoes in garlic with a salad on the side. Definitely something I can't replicate right now but have plans to, soon.
26 - 1:00 church and I do not get along. By the time 1 comes around I don't feel like going to church. Even though it is nice to have the day 'be done' when we get home. The car was acting weird on our way home from my parents so Steven took it up to his parents' house to work on it a little. I couldn't stand leaving the house again, let alone as soon as we walked in the door, and Alaska and I spent the evening together.
27 - The first day of anything normal in a long time. I have a chore list on the fridge with something on it each day because I was going crazy during the summer. And by crazy I mean cleaning the bathroom twice in a week and vacuuming every day (I still vacuum every day) and feeling totally useless if the bedrooms were a wreck. And then feeling like I couldn't go and do anything until everything was done. So I made my list so that when one thing was done I could feel good about it and know that it was done and I didn't need to worry about the rest of it because over the course of the week it will get done.
Mondays are bathroom cleaning day. Alaska washed the mirror until the windex ran out and I didn't even bother her about it. She is quite good at cleaning up after herself and I didn't even have to teach her that. She just picked up on it. She loves squirting the windex bottle and wiping with her own rag, which she ran and got by herself when she saw I was cleaning the bathroom.
I even cleared out the dresser that we'll use for the baby. Mostly because everything else is already clean. We keep a tidy ship around here. I didn't empty it but I did go through it and clear out the junk and organize the stuff that's in there. I don't know where we'll put everything that's in there but we'll find a place, I am sure.
Friday, January 24, 2014
22, 23 - January
22, Wednesday. As I type the word 'Wednesday' I shudder. It started out good and ended with a visit to the toilet saint and offering up everything I had for a late lunch right before mutual. It hadn't even bothered to digest itself! I didn't go to mutual. My count-down for not throwing up as back at 2 days. And I was doing so good! I had made the 17 day mark!
My body disgusts me sometimes. I know what it is about pregnancy that bothers me. It's like I don't even know myself anymore. My body turns into the havoking, puking mess and I don't want to be around people because that takes too much effort and I don't want to do much of anything because I have a constant turmoil going on in my intestines and apparently this week was the week for headaches because today is the first day all week I don't have one. And by goodness I have been sure to drink my water and all that to rule out the headaches but those things are persistent. And, of course, my body is healthy and 'normal' and the doctor never says anything is going wrong with any pee test or blood test that I take. Everything is just peachy. But I don't feel peachy. I feel quite asparagusy. Disgusting. It's a nice thing to think about, that my body is just fine and growing babies is what it can do without totally medically freaking out. I don't have to be on bed rest or eating certain foods to deal with gestational diabetes or anything. Count your dang blessings! But oh my goodness.
I feel like I go from one emotional roller coaster to the other. The counselor revised my 'diagnosis' after meeting with me a few times. First, I went to counseling because I was feeling depressed and all my signs were pointing toward that but I didn't want to do medication. I knew something 'less deep' was wrong and just needed someone to help me figure things out. So I get to the counselor and they label it as anxiety and then after a few sessions it gets labeled as an adjustment disorder. But the word disorder isn't used... I forget. Anyways. What started out as HUGE has been re-directed to something not so huge and I feel better and more like myself than I have in a long time, but at the same time, I don't. Because I am pregnant and feeling cruddy messes with more than just my physical well-being. It makes me anti-social and harder to relate to people because I really just don't care. I don't care. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore and while it's nice to be so relaxed it's kind of annoying when paired with the fact that I don't want to be around people because I don't care enough to carry through with a conversation.
The almost worst part is that I had gotten ready for the day. Actually put on a bra and jeans and makeup. Did my hair and went out to visit one of the girls who is having as hard of time as I am with her puking and feeling cruddy. I just want to take her and wrap her in a hug. When I got there with Shirley, we were also doubling in a calendar meeting, Jaimie's best friend was there, spending the day with her. I was so glad to see her I gave them both hugs. That is something rare. To have a friend who is just fine with sitting with you when you are so sick and no fun to be around. And I just loved that they had each other.
So here I was, all ready for going to mutual and I vomit just as I should be walking out the door. Steven had to go to mutual to announce a few things for the scouts and because he thinks he will be 'more in the know' if he goes on Wednesdays to talk with the leaders and all that. I sent him with a couple of supplies for that night's craft project and Alaska and went to bed.
23. Brittany came over to give me a baby shower invitation. I was thrilled to have her and we talked and talked and talked. It was so good to have an old friend my age to be with. We decided to carpool together after she offered and then quickly followed up with, "I mean, if you want to. If you wouldn't rather drive in by yourself." Because that's how well she knows me and she knows that yes, I may just prefer to drive myself and would say yes to carpool to be nice. But I really did and do want to carpool with her. I just love being with her. And I especially love that she gets it.
Alaska took a three and half hour nap and I was able to get a nap in, as well. The evening still drug on and Steven was at work until 9 pm. I put her to bed at 7:30, complete with cleaning up toys and brushing teeth and stories. And crawled into bed to wait. I had a couple of requests for snacks and had to be awake to get them. Something I have learned. If your body wants something, you aren't going to sleep until you get it. Especially if you know you can get it and it's on its way. Even if it doesn't come through the door until 10:20.
My body disgusts me sometimes. I know what it is about pregnancy that bothers me. It's like I don't even know myself anymore. My body turns into the havoking, puking mess and I don't want to be around people because that takes too much effort and I don't want to do much of anything because I have a constant turmoil going on in my intestines and apparently this week was the week for headaches because today is the first day all week I don't have one. And by goodness I have been sure to drink my water and all that to rule out the headaches but those things are persistent. And, of course, my body is healthy and 'normal' and the doctor never says anything is going wrong with any pee test or blood test that I take. Everything is just peachy. But I don't feel peachy. I feel quite asparagusy. Disgusting. It's a nice thing to think about, that my body is just fine and growing babies is what it can do without totally medically freaking out. I don't have to be on bed rest or eating certain foods to deal with gestational diabetes or anything. Count your dang blessings! But oh my goodness.
I feel like I go from one emotional roller coaster to the other. The counselor revised my 'diagnosis' after meeting with me a few times. First, I went to counseling because I was feeling depressed and all my signs were pointing toward that but I didn't want to do medication. I knew something 'less deep' was wrong and just needed someone to help me figure things out. So I get to the counselor and they label it as anxiety and then after a few sessions it gets labeled as an adjustment disorder. But the word disorder isn't used... I forget. Anyways. What started out as HUGE has been re-directed to something not so huge and I feel better and more like myself than I have in a long time, but at the same time, I don't. Because I am pregnant and feeling cruddy messes with more than just my physical well-being. It makes me anti-social and harder to relate to people because I really just don't care. I don't care. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore and while it's nice to be so relaxed it's kind of annoying when paired with the fact that I don't want to be around people because I don't care enough to carry through with a conversation.
The almost worst part is that I had gotten ready for the day. Actually put on a bra and jeans and makeup. Did my hair and went out to visit one of the girls who is having as hard of time as I am with her puking and feeling cruddy. I just want to take her and wrap her in a hug. When I got there with Shirley, we were also doubling in a calendar meeting, Jaimie's best friend was there, spending the day with her. I was so glad to see her I gave them both hugs. That is something rare. To have a friend who is just fine with sitting with you when you are so sick and no fun to be around. And I just loved that they had each other.
So here I was, all ready for going to mutual and I vomit just as I should be walking out the door. Steven had to go to mutual to announce a few things for the scouts and because he thinks he will be 'more in the know' if he goes on Wednesdays to talk with the leaders and all that. I sent him with a couple of supplies for that night's craft project and Alaska and went to bed.
23. Brittany came over to give me a baby shower invitation. I was thrilled to have her and we talked and talked and talked. It was so good to have an old friend my age to be with. We decided to carpool together after she offered and then quickly followed up with, "I mean, if you want to. If you wouldn't rather drive in by yourself." Because that's how well she knows me and she knows that yes, I may just prefer to drive myself and would say yes to carpool to be nice. But I really did and do want to carpool with her. I just love being with her. And I especially love that she gets it.
Alaska took a three and half hour nap and I was able to get a nap in, as well. The evening still drug on and Steven was at work until 9 pm. I put her to bed at 7:30, complete with cleaning up toys and brushing teeth and stories. And crawled into bed to wait. I had a couple of requests for snacks and had to be awake to get them. Something I have learned. If your body wants something, you aren't going to sleep until you get it. Especially if you know you can get it and it's on its way. Even if it doesn't come through the door until 10:20.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
January 20th and 21st
Monday, January 20th. Total waste of a day. The sun was super nice and bright but I couldn't make myself get out there in the cold. So I sat inside all day, feeling sightly guilty that I wasn't outside and didn't take Alaska outside to play even though it was dry. But I am making a baby, here people! And if the cold feels extra cold to me and I don't want to go outside then I don't want to go outside and I don't want to feel guilty about it.
I did nothing, the whole day. Nothing. Biggest waste of a day ever. I keep having stomach aches. Not the nausea kind but more like crampy, I need something to eat kind. Even if I have just eaten. I am keeping track of it so that I can report it to the doctor and maybe get some help for it. It seriously keeps me from doing stuff, it's so uncomfortable. I am also currently keeping track of headaches. I've had two in the past three days and I am not much a person for headaches. I know it's not because of food or water because I am caught up to an extreme on both of those. Mysteries.
Tuesday, January 21st Not a complete waste of day. But almost close. I had my last counseling appointment. Tamera watched Alaska for me and I hustled down there and back up. Picked up the house a little and didn't bother to vacuum. Alaska took a nap and Steven got off early so we went to FredMeyer to pick up a babyshower gift and 'look at guns' - Steven's newest hobby. We hurried home so that I could make it to BUNCO. I wasn't super excited to go, but it ended up being fun anyways. I carpooled with a couple of people and it was nice to not have to worry about finding the place.
I did nothing, the whole day. Nothing. Biggest waste of a day ever. I keep having stomach aches. Not the nausea kind but more like crampy, I need something to eat kind. Even if I have just eaten. I am keeping track of it so that I can report it to the doctor and maybe get some help for it. It seriously keeps me from doing stuff, it's so uncomfortable. I am also currently keeping track of headaches. I've had two in the past three days and I am not much a person for headaches. I know it's not because of food or water because I am caught up to an extreme on both of those. Mysteries.
Tuesday, January 21st Not a complete waste of day. But almost close. I had my last counseling appointment. Tamera watched Alaska for me and I hustled down there and back up. Picked up the house a little and didn't bother to vacuum. Alaska took a nap and Steven got off early so we went to FredMeyer to pick up a babyshower gift and 'look at guns' - Steven's newest hobby. We hurried home so that I could make it to BUNCO. I wasn't super excited to go, but it ended up being fun anyways. I carpooled with a couple of people and it was nice to not have to worry about finding the place.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Sunday, January 19th
Spent a long morning enjoying the morning and went to church at 1. Tamera called at 10:30 wondering if we could come up for dinner afterwards. We didn't have any plans and made it up there right after Steven took a half hour after church to find people that he needed to talk to and talk to them and stuff like that.
He said that he looked out at the car for Alaska and I and didn't see us so he did a loop around the church and looked again and we were there. I laughed and told him, "Don't you know? I like to go home right after church. And if I can't go home, I like to sit in the car and wait. Not talk to people." He agreed that it was true and apologized for not coming out to the car as soon as he could. We may need to be one of those couples that take two cars to church, if we had two, but not so the wife can stay late and socialize, so the man can.
We had rice and chicken at the Barnes house and stayed awhile after playing pool and ping-pong.
He said that he looked out at the car for Alaska and I and didn't see us so he did a loop around the church and looked again and we were there. I laughed and told him, "Don't you know? I like to go home right after church. And if I can't go home, I like to sit in the car and wait. Not talk to people." He agreed that it was true and apologized for not coming out to the car as soon as he could. We may need to be one of those couples that take two cars to church, if we had two, but not so the wife can stay late and socialize, so the man can.
We had rice and chicken at the Barnes house and stayed awhile after playing pool and ping-pong.
Saturday, Jan 18th
It started out to be an overwhelming day. The house needed cleaning and decorating. Alaska needed birthday pictures taken at 10am because that's when the light is the best in the house. I had to get showered and dressed and ready. Alaska needed to get showered and dressed and ready. It was a little too much to think about.
I got the backdrop for the pictures up and going first, letting the cleaning wait even though instinctively I would clean first. We got our pictures done and a video made and I began a whirlwind of cleaning. Took a two hour break when Alaska went down for her nap and began again as soon as we ate lunch afterwards. Everything was adorable and supercute by 5 pm and I could finally calm down and think about getting myself ready. Dominique had offered to come early and take Alaska to get frozen yogurt and I am so glad I took her up on it. The half hour they were gone I put left-over pizza in the oven and got dolled up.
The party started at 6:30 when grandma great and grandpa great came through the door with David. It was nice to have some time with just them as Alaska got over being a little shy and excitedly pointed to grandma great's shirt that had kitties on it. The party got bigger and more people came and we had just enough seats for everyone even though a couple of people stood. There was plenty of floor and folding chair that never got unfolded. It was so wonderful to have a house full of people who love on that baby girl and spoil her to death.
I didn't even have to serve cake or icecream. The teenagers were anxious to get that started and I helped Alaska with any 'extra sticky tape' that kept her from opening her presents. She had a blast of being the center of attention and only slowed down on the present opening when she opened a bag of candy and needed to take a little break to sample it all.
It was definitely a different time than what we had last year at her birthday with just Steve and I but they have both proven to be just as special. As long as we've got family this close I don't see any need to be inviting friends over for birthdays. That would just make too much of a crowd. But I do suppose people do a Sunday dinner with family and a birthday party with friends. Either way, I've got another year before I need to worry about that.
I got the backdrop for the pictures up and going first, letting the cleaning wait even though instinctively I would clean first. We got our pictures done and a video made and I began a whirlwind of cleaning. Took a two hour break when Alaska went down for her nap and began again as soon as we ate lunch afterwards. Everything was adorable and supercute by 5 pm and I could finally calm down and think about getting myself ready. Dominique had offered to come early and take Alaska to get frozen yogurt and I am so glad I took her up on it. The half hour they were gone I put left-over pizza in the oven and got dolled up.
The party started at 6:30 when grandma great and grandpa great came through the door with David. It was nice to have some time with just them as Alaska got over being a little shy and excitedly pointed to grandma great's shirt that had kitties on it. The party got bigger and more people came and we had just enough seats for everyone even though a couple of people stood. There was plenty of floor and folding chair that never got unfolded. It was so wonderful to have a house full of people who love on that baby girl and spoil her to death.
I didn't even have to serve cake or icecream. The teenagers were anxious to get that started and I helped Alaska with any 'extra sticky tape' that kept her from opening her presents. She had a blast of being the center of attention and only slowed down on the present opening when she opened a bag of candy and needed to take a little break to sample it all.
It was definitely a different time than what we had last year at her birthday with just Steve and I but they have both proven to be just as special. As long as we've got family this close I don't see any need to be inviting friends over for birthdays. That would just make too much of a crowd. But I do suppose people do a Sunday dinner with family and a birthday party with friends. Either way, I've got another year before I need to worry about that.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
January 17th
Tricky part of having my writing time in the middle of the day is that sometimes my day hasn't been too eventful as of yet in the middle of the day. So even if I write in past tense, saying yesterday and all that, I really am talking about the 17th. It just happens that I am writing on the 18th.
Yesterday afternoon I went to Steve's work to get my biometric screening done for an incentive. It was pretty cool. They took a little blood and found out all this cool stuff about me. Like how super duper healthy I am. Which was awesome. The next part of this deal to get the incentive is to go type all my numbers in a program that will tell me what I need to do to improve my numbers. I will interested to see what it thinks I should do as there was nothing questionable and nothing even within 5 points of being questionable. I was pretty much right in the middle of 'normal' or 'optimum'. Go me!
I was really nervous about it all because you had to fast for it. Right now I am off of my eating every 2 hours schedule but am currently on an eating every 4 hours schedule or I get terribly sick and end up visiting the bathroom and dryheaving into the toilet because everything has digested. Add a headache to that, that tylenol doesn't help, and you've got one unhappy sicky. Hence why I was nervous to take this test. But I said a prayer and did it.
Our appointment was in the afternoon so we were allowed a light breakfast. I am so confused now when I hear light. As in, does it mean a 'small' breakfast or a breakfast low in carbs? I ate oatmeal and a glass of raspberry tea. And then prayed. Seriously prayed. And put all my money down that I could make until 1:30 without food, to account for people going before me and getting out of there to somewhere where I could eat and all that. I got there an hour early and was LIVID when the manager went before me. Who did he think he was, cutting a pregnant lady?! I was furious. But then it was my turn and I came out of it ok and ran straight to the car where my goldfish crackers were waiting.
Last night I had the opportunity to go do baptisms with the youth. I was the only young women leader there and I don't know what the other three were doing, but they seriously missed out. I remember how special it was for me when I was a youth and my leaders were there. I loved seeing them in white and the peace that was all around us. And I also loved seeing different varieties of temple dresses. Which is one big reason why when I was able to choose my own temple dress I thought back to one that one of my leaders had worn and wanted one similar.
We had three girls that were going for their first time and I loved helping them with their simple questions and having one of them say, "That was so cool. I am definitely coming again." She had been a little apprehensive about the whole trip just because she likes to know what to expect and what to do next and everything.
To volunteer in the baptismal font they needed three workers, one to guide the girls when to go, another to help them out of the font and hand out a towel and a last to help them with the shower and make sure they have another dry towel and their suits are where they need to be and everything.
This last job. That is what I have ALWAYS dreamed of doing. I know. It's weird. But true. I have done baptisms before where that volunteer is missing and it was absolutely miserable. It's so nice to have someone there to catch your wet suit and wring it out for you and then hand you a dry towel and hold your key for you while you're in the shower so you don't lose it stripping your wet clothes off. It also gave me the chance to whisper to each girl about what they were feeling as we were in the locker room and not out where the baptisms were being performed. They are all such sweet hearts.
I went and changed in the locker room upstairs but next time I will definitely just use the same locker room as the girls. I couldn't hardly find my way anywhere! When I came down the girls weren't out of the chapel yet where one of the workers was giving a spiritual message. I had a chance to get to know my area and where the towels were and how to change the mop and all that before they came and that was nice. I smiled at them all when they entered and ushered them to their seats to wait to get jumpsuits and three of them commented on how beautiful my dress was. And I secretly hoped that when they all had the chance to be sealed in the temple they would be able to choose their own dress instead of having to wear one of the rented ones.
On our way home we stopped at Dairy Queen and each kid had 3$ they could use to get a treat. I was able to connect with one of the Laurels over our icecream and that felt really good, just alone. I had gotten to spend so much precious time with each girl while I helped them at the temple that evening but even if I had not gotten to do any of that and was only able to have that 30 mins with that one particular girl, it would have been a win for the night. I have tried so hard to connect with each girl. To spend some amount of quality time learning about each one and this is near to one of the last. I was nervous that I would never get to because she's a hard egg to reach. But I did it! And it was wonderful and Sundays are going to be much better now. It's just so special to walk into a classroom filled with friends instead of just girls that you are going to teach.
Yesterday afternoon I went to Steve's work to get my biometric screening done for an incentive. It was pretty cool. They took a little blood and found out all this cool stuff about me. Like how super duper healthy I am. Which was awesome. The next part of this deal to get the incentive is to go type all my numbers in a program that will tell me what I need to do to improve my numbers. I will interested to see what it thinks I should do as there was nothing questionable and nothing even within 5 points of being questionable. I was pretty much right in the middle of 'normal' or 'optimum'. Go me!
I was really nervous about it all because you had to fast for it. Right now I am off of my eating every 2 hours schedule but am currently on an eating every 4 hours schedule or I get terribly sick and end up visiting the bathroom and dryheaving into the toilet because everything has digested. Add a headache to that, that tylenol doesn't help, and you've got one unhappy sicky. Hence why I was nervous to take this test. But I said a prayer and did it.
Our appointment was in the afternoon so we were allowed a light breakfast. I am so confused now when I hear light. As in, does it mean a 'small' breakfast or a breakfast low in carbs? I ate oatmeal and a glass of raspberry tea. And then prayed. Seriously prayed. And put all my money down that I could make until 1:30 without food, to account for people going before me and getting out of there to somewhere where I could eat and all that. I got there an hour early and was LIVID when the manager went before me. Who did he think he was, cutting a pregnant lady?! I was furious. But then it was my turn and I came out of it ok and ran straight to the car where my goldfish crackers were waiting.
Last night I had the opportunity to go do baptisms with the youth. I was the only young women leader there and I don't know what the other three were doing, but they seriously missed out. I remember how special it was for me when I was a youth and my leaders were there. I loved seeing them in white and the peace that was all around us. And I also loved seeing different varieties of temple dresses. Which is one big reason why when I was able to choose my own temple dress I thought back to one that one of my leaders had worn and wanted one similar.
We had three girls that were going for their first time and I loved helping them with their simple questions and having one of them say, "That was so cool. I am definitely coming again." She had been a little apprehensive about the whole trip just because she likes to know what to expect and what to do next and everything.
To volunteer in the baptismal font they needed three workers, one to guide the girls when to go, another to help them out of the font and hand out a towel and a last to help them with the shower and make sure they have another dry towel and their suits are where they need to be and everything.
This last job. That is what I have ALWAYS dreamed of doing. I know. It's weird. But true. I have done baptisms before where that volunteer is missing and it was absolutely miserable. It's so nice to have someone there to catch your wet suit and wring it out for you and then hand you a dry towel and hold your key for you while you're in the shower so you don't lose it stripping your wet clothes off. It also gave me the chance to whisper to each girl about what they were feeling as we were in the locker room and not out where the baptisms were being performed. They are all such sweet hearts.
I went and changed in the locker room upstairs but next time I will definitely just use the same locker room as the girls. I couldn't hardly find my way anywhere! When I came down the girls weren't out of the chapel yet where one of the workers was giving a spiritual message. I had a chance to get to know my area and where the towels were and how to change the mop and all that before they came and that was nice. I smiled at them all when they entered and ushered them to their seats to wait to get jumpsuits and three of them commented on how beautiful my dress was. And I secretly hoped that when they all had the chance to be sealed in the temple they would be able to choose their own dress instead of having to wear one of the rented ones.
On our way home we stopped at Dairy Queen and each kid had 3$ they could use to get a treat. I was able to connect with one of the Laurels over our icecream and that felt really good, just alone. I had gotten to spend so much precious time with each girl while I helped them at the temple that evening but even if I had not gotten to do any of that and was only able to have that 30 mins with that one particular girl, it would have been a win for the night. I have tried so hard to connect with each girl. To spend some amount of quality time learning about each one and this is near to one of the last. I was nervous that I would never get to because she's a hard egg to reach. But I did it! And it was wonderful and Sundays are going to be much better now. It's just so special to walk into a classroom filled with friends instead of just girls that you are going to teach.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
January 16th, Thursday
Alaska's birthday day! Her saggy bottom diaper this morning was so endearing as she ran down the hall, hefting it up as she went. We shared lots of hugs and kisses this morning and after a melt-down at 11:30 I put her down for an early nap. She had a couple of friends coming over for a play date after lunch and they all played so well I was able to clear out two cupboards and the washer and dryer space. I could have done more but I got conned into playing their 'time machine' game. It was really sweet and we went so far back in time that we skipped the desert and went to Daniel and the Lions den. That was pretty funny.
Last night we had a missionary fireside for young womens. It was so perfect and sweet, exactly what every girl needs. We have two sets of sister missionaries in the ward right now and both sets were able to make it last night and explained how their days go and their weeks and what to pack and what not to pack and what kind of clothes are allowed and which aren't. And then, as any good girl conversation does, it turned to boys and whether any of the male missionaries they knew were cute. It was so sweet to see them giggle and laugh with the girls, although they never did say whether any boy was cute or not, they pointed out how much more attractive boys are who honor their priesthood and even more, those that work hard and use their priesthood for good. How their perceptions of what is cute has changed.
This girls ate every bit of it up and I thought it was a great activity. One of the senior girls had prepared it as her senior project combined with going out a few times with the missionaries.
Last night we had a missionary fireside for young womens. It was so perfect and sweet, exactly what every girl needs. We have two sets of sister missionaries in the ward right now and both sets were able to make it last night and explained how their days go and their weeks and what to pack and what not to pack and what kind of clothes are allowed and which aren't. And then, as any good girl conversation does, it turned to boys and whether any of the male missionaries they knew were cute. It was so sweet to see them giggle and laugh with the girls, although they never did say whether any boy was cute or not, they pointed out how much more attractive boys are who honor their priesthood and even more, those that work hard and use their priesthood for good. How their perceptions of what is cute has changed.
This girls ate every bit of it up and I thought it was a great activity. One of the senior girls had prepared it as her senior project combined with going out a few times with the missionaries.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Wednesday, January 15th
Quick update:
Baby is due the 30th of June. Did I already say that? 5 months left.
I have an ultra sound for the 29th at 11. Two weeks! Eeek! And it's on a Wednesday, so I can tell the girls almost as soon as I find out whether it's a boy or a girl. They are going to be so excited! I haven't even told them yet that I am pregnant. I just wanted to wait. Hold of the, "How are you feeling" questions for a little bit longer.
John was amaze-balls in his game last night. It was awesome to watch him play and get in there and toss the ball up at the hoop and all that. They got pummeled but it was a good game 'cause he got to play so much of it. Dominique only played one quarter since she had skipped school the day before for a mental health day. They won by 2 points and it was close the whole game. For how many points I felt like the other team was making, our team kept up. The climax was at the end of the game. Three minutes left and one of our girls ran into another girls mouth. She was bleeding all over the place and one girl was holding her nose, screaming in pain. Jenny didn't even know she was bleeding, and no one really looked over at her because the other girl was making so much noise. It wasn't until she had wiped something from her forhead that she had the realization and you could just hear the surprise/fear in her voice when she said, "It's me. I'm bleeding."
Baby is due the 30th of June. Did I already say that? 5 months left.
I have an ultra sound for the 29th at 11. Two weeks! Eeek! And it's on a Wednesday, so I can tell the girls almost as soon as I find out whether it's a boy or a girl. They are going to be so excited! I haven't even told them yet that I am pregnant. I just wanted to wait. Hold of the, "How are you feeling" questions for a little bit longer.
John was amaze-balls in his game last night. It was awesome to watch him play and get in there and toss the ball up at the hoop and all that. They got pummeled but it was a good game 'cause he got to play so much of it. Dominique only played one quarter since she had skipped school the day before for a mental health day. They won by 2 points and it was close the whole game. For how many points I felt like the other team was making, our team kept up. The climax was at the end of the game. Three minutes left and one of our girls ran into another girls mouth. She was bleeding all over the place and one girl was holding her nose, screaming in pain. Jenny didn't even know she was bleeding, and no one really looked over at her because the other girl was making so much noise. It wasn't until she had wiped something from her forhead that she had the realization and you could just hear the surprise/fear in her voice when she said, "It's me. I'm bleeding."
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
January 14th (one month until valentine's~!)
Is it weird. Probably. But I just LOVE Valentine's Day. I'll count down the months and the weeks and the days until pink and red and white and glitter take over the world just for one day. But it's more than the colors.
It's the "I love yous" that are sometimes not always said. Or the "I love yous" that are said but are said even louder on that special day. It's the reaching out to people and telling them how much they mean to you. And it means something. 'Cause everyone kind of expects something for Christmas. And birthdays. But Valentine's is MY day to celebrate with surprises and sweets.
I am finally coming around. I have cleaned the house three days in a row and kept it clean and organize a dresser here and there. I am crossing my fingers that I'll be making Valentine's cookies.
My sickies aren't all the time and I don't have to eat every two hours anymore. It can be stretched to every 4, but not much longer than that. I haven't puked for a week and a half! Who has to count stuff like that? Last week I was 16 weeks along at my doctor appointment. This week will be 17 weeks. And then three weeks until we can get our long awaited ultra sound to discover that all my jives have been correct and we're having a boy.
Oh, and I am totally getting a camera, in other news. A canon rebel ti4. Used, so it will cost the same amount as a ti3 would new, but will have the added feature of 9 point focus and a video camera. Maybe I could be content with a ti3 if I had a smart phone, but I don't, so I get to go all out on a camera. Which will taker better product anyway. I am really excited. I haven't taken many pictures of Alaska because I feel like it's more aggrivating to have crappy pictures than no pictures, and believe me, we have nothing that takes good pictures. There's not enough light or the shutter is too slow. Pains. But it will all be remedied soon.
It's the "I love yous" that are sometimes not always said. Or the "I love yous" that are said but are said even louder on that special day. It's the reaching out to people and telling them how much they mean to you. And it means something. 'Cause everyone kind of expects something for Christmas. And birthdays. But Valentine's is MY day to celebrate with surprises and sweets.
I am finally coming around. I have cleaned the house three days in a row and kept it clean and organize a dresser here and there. I am crossing my fingers that I'll be making Valentine's cookies.
My sickies aren't all the time and I don't have to eat every two hours anymore. It can be stretched to every 4, but not much longer than that. I haven't puked for a week and a half! Who has to count stuff like that? Last week I was 16 weeks along at my doctor appointment. This week will be 17 weeks. And then three weeks until we can get our long awaited ultra sound to discover that all my jives have been correct and we're having a boy.
Oh, and I am totally getting a camera, in other news. A canon rebel ti4. Used, so it will cost the same amount as a ti3 would new, but will have the added feature of 9 point focus and a video camera. Maybe I could be content with a ti3 if I had a smart phone, but I don't, so I get to go all out on a camera. Which will taker better product anyway. I am really excited. I haven't taken many pictures of Alaska because I feel like it's more aggrivating to have crappy pictures than no pictures, and believe me, we have nothing that takes good pictures. There's not enough light or the shutter is too slow. Pains. But it will all be remedied soon.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Ridiculous Doctor Appointments
Alright. There is more than a couple of reasons I have waited so long to get myself to the doctor. One being it is a total waste of time for someone to tell me I am fine. This first appointment was just with a nurse answering questions and stuff. Which, halfway through, I was so mad that they don't schedule those two appointments together. LIKE HELLO! I can talk to a nurse for 30 minutes and then see a doctor. I don't need to come in on two different days. Ridiculousness number one. And I told her so.
Number 2: They make you take a pee test EVERY time you come in. To check or sugar and protein. And then still do a glucose test. Can you say OVERKILL!? So ridiculous.
Also. The nurse came in all bubbly and happy and was all like, "Congratulations!" And I was in one sour mood and I just gave a little nod of thanks. No, congratulations is not the right words here nursey-poo. What you should be saying is "Thank you". Thank you for putting your body through this horrendous cycle of having a baby. Thank you for sacrificing your life to make the future a little better. Thank you for being a good mom and having a child who will grow up with standards and moral and not be attached to electronics and need medication for ADD. Thank you for being a strong lady and knowing that after the pregnancy, after the birth and after the first 4 months of baby-life things are going to be ok. And for knowing that the year between that time and now is just a little compared to the long-term. Not congratulations. Please, give me a break. This is not a happy time. This is a nightmare. You want to know one more thing? I don't even like babies! Sure, I can tolerate them, but you can bet your best dollar that out of all the women in a room I will be the last to even stroke a baby's head, let alone want to hold them. They freak me out. All the what ifs and unknowns of their little world.
AND THEN the lady had the odasity to be all like, "Oh, you're still sick? Now that we're going into the second trimester you could take some (insert medication that start with z). For now though you can take (insert over the counter medication that is with the sleep aids that starts with a u) and a B6. AS IF I am going to take medication and most especially a sleep aid. Please lady. I don't need to be more miserable. I don't need to be groggy. I may be a stay at home mom and won't be driving a car but that doesn't mean that I need all my awakeness to take care of the child I already have.
AND THEN - this is the real true kicker - she's all like, "Oh. You're taking a folic acid and two child vitamins? You really should move up to a prenatal." No lady. I am not going to move up to a prenatal. Are you crazy? Those things are horse pills and make me sick to my stomach. You're lucky I am taking anything at all. Let me alone. And then she was all like, "Yes, some people don't take any prenatals, or they "forget"." Right. Well I haven't forgotten to take my child vitamins. Because I can take them whenever I want. I don't have to remember to take them with food and then forget and then not want to eat something so I try to remember to take them with my next meal but then forget again. So yeah, forgetting is a real things for some people that have no schedule. But I am not going to sabotage the good I am already doing by trying to do something I know I do not have success at. So thanks, but no thanks.
I went out of their storming mad and ready to cry. Waste of time. Total waste of time. And I had to pee in a cup. And will have to do it again. And again and again. I got myself some french fries and an ice cream cone on the way home after picking up our dry cleaning.
Number 2: They make you take a pee test EVERY time you come in. To check or sugar and protein. And then still do a glucose test. Can you say OVERKILL!? So ridiculous.
Also. The nurse came in all bubbly and happy and was all like, "Congratulations!" And I was in one sour mood and I just gave a little nod of thanks. No, congratulations is not the right words here nursey-poo. What you should be saying is "Thank you". Thank you for putting your body through this horrendous cycle of having a baby. Thank you for sacrificing your life to make the future a little better. Thank you for being a good mom and having a child who will grow up with standards and moral and not be attached to electronics and need medication for ADD. Thank you for being a strong lady and knowing that after the pregnancy, after the birth and after the first 4 months of baby-life things are going to be ok. And for knowing that the year between that time and now is just a little compared to the long-term. Not congratulations. Please, give me a break. This is not a happy time. This is a nightmare. You want to know one more thing? I don't even like babies! Sure, I can tolerate them, but you can bet your best dollar that out of all the women in a room I will be the last to even stroke a baby's head, let alone want to hold them. They freak me out. All the what ifs and unknowns of their little world.
AND THEN the lady had the odasity to be all like, "Oh, you're still sick? Now that we're going into the second trimester you could take some (insert medication that start with z). For now though you can take (insert over the counter medication that is with the sleep aids that starts with a u) and a B6. AS IF I am going to take medication and most especially a sleep aid. Please lady. I don't need to be more miserable. I don't need to be groggy. I may be a stay at home mom and won't be driving a car but that doesn't mean that I need all my awakeness to take care of the child I already have.
AND THEN - this is the real true kicker - she's all like, "Oh. You're taking a folic acid and two child vitamins? You really should move up to a prenatal." No lady. I am not going to move up to a prenatal. Are you crazy? Those things are horse pills and make me sick to my stomach. You're lucky I am taking anything at all. Let me alone. And then she was all like, "Yes, some people don't take any prenatals, or they "forget"." Right. Well I haven't forgotten to take my child vitamins. Because I can take them whenever I want. I don't have to remember to take them with food and then forget and then not want to eat something so I try to remember to take them with my next meal but then forget again. So yeah, forgetting is a real things for some people that have no schedule. But I am not going to sabotage the good I am already doing by trying to do something I know I do not have success at. So thanks, but no thanks.
I went out of their storming mad and ready to cry. Waste of time. Total waste of time. And I had to pee in a cup. And will have to do it again. And again and again. I got myself some french fries and an ice cream cone on the way home after picking up our dry cleaning.
No Pants No Problems
Alaska and I, we are the same. I had some errands to do and put on a bra and jeans. As soon as I was home I was back in my pajama pants and no bra. As soon as Alaska got back home she took off her pants to run around in a diaper. This has become the usual around here and I wonder how long it will last.
12th and 13th
Went to our first week of 1:00 church and it was absolutely just as miserable as everyone had said it would be. Lucky for us Alaska is super amazing and I put her down for a nap at 11 instead of 12 and she slept until 12:45 when we woke her up to go. I had her bathed and dressed before I put her down and I only needed to slip a headband over her hair to make it look cute enough. I don't think we'll get that lucky every week.
The ward had asked the YW to sing during sacrament for ward conference which was today. It went fine, besides the fact that we had all the confident music readers on one side of the pulpit and the rest of us on the other side. Somehow that happened and it was weird because you could totally tell that our side was kind of echoing the other side since we didn't know when to come in and when to stop, lol. Comical I guess, lol, next time we'll do better at splitting the girls up.
Dominique's grandma was doing a surprise birthday dinner for her so we left right after church to get there at 4:30. We had Hawaiian haystacks and I gave her a ticket to Mindy Gledhill (who is coming to St Helens!!! To play at the columbia theater!!!) and some candy. She'll never suspect the surprise I have for her for her actual birthday. Balloons and cupcakes that I am taking to the school on Tuesday when I go to another basketball game and will leave in my mom's classroom for the next day. I am really excited about it.
While we were there we (John and me and my dad and Domo) played a marble game similar to Sorry! but with less mercy. It was really fun mostly because we had an audience cheering us on and because I learned the art of speaking to the dice. It really does work!
Today has been a quiet day. Nothing on the calendar and Steven came home at lunch to leave me the car. One of the young women have been sick for about a week now and I am just finding time to take balloons and a couple of books over for her. I know I should have done that a long time ago but I just learned that she was taken to the er on wednesday on saturday and that she has a doctor appointment today. News just travels slow but I am glad that I know so that I can take something over for her.
The ward had asked the YW to sing during sacrament for ward conference which was today. It went fine, besides the fact that we had all the confident music readers on one side of the pulpit and the rest of us on the other side. Somehow that happened and it was weird because you could totally tell that our side was kind of echoing the other side since we didn't know when to come in and when to stop, lol. Comical I guess, lol, next time we'll do better at splitting the girls up.
Dominique's grandma was doing a surprise birthday dinner for her so we left right after church to get there at 4:30. We had Hawaiian haystacks and I gave her a ticket to Mindy Gledhill (who is coming to St Helens!!! To play at the columbia theater!!!) and some candy. She'll never suspect the surprise I have for her for her actual birthday. Balloons and cupcakes that I am taking to the school on Tuesday when I go to another basketball game and will leave in my mom's classroom for the next day. I am really excited about it.
While we were there we (John and me and my dad and Domo) played a marble game similar to Sorry! but with less mercy. It was really fun mostly because we had an audience cheering us on and because I learned the art of speaking to the dice. It really does work!
Today has been a quiet day. Nothing on the calendar and Steven came home at lunch to leave me the car. One of the young women have been sick for about a week now and I am just finding time to take balloons and a couple of books over for her. I know I should have done that a long time ago but I just learned that she was taken to the er on wednesday on saturday and that she has a doctor appointment today. News just travels slow but I am glad that I know so that I can take something over for her.
Alaska had stayed the night at Tamera's while we were on our date and I went and picked her up the next morning and hung out until I needed to leave for our next adventure.
Dropped Alaska off with my mom on my way to Longview to a painting workshop. It's a lady that has a little shop on commerce and sells chalk paint as part of her shop. She also lets people come in and paint their projects with her supplies and charges them a flat fee. That's my kind of awesome!
Her workshop included a few things to do with chalk paint, which is a lot! I had no idea it was so versatile and could be used for so much. We were all given a paint brush to use (which was SO amazing, best paint brush ever!) and three pieces of molding. We chose one dark, one light and one of our favorite colors to squirt out on our paper to work with. Wendy then instructed us on how what colors to use and we tried a few different techniques. It really turned out amazing and I was so completely in awe how different the colors became between the treatments we did on them. I signed up for the 201 class and am really excited to give it a try. I signed up for this class when I was painting our kitchen table and still have a few other projects to do that I could definitely benefit from with not having to buy a quart of paint to have hanging around and it would be fun to experiment with a few of the ideas we were taught on things that I am not totally attached to. I am so excited!
Alaska had been at the school watching John's basketball game and after I dropped by Pizza Hut for some lunch I ran up there just in time to watch Dominique's game.
*Side note about Pizza Hut. I LOVE that place. And I can't quite place why. Maybe it's because it's the first pizza I ever had since they do a lot with schools and getting kids to read and once you get your chart filled up then you can go get your own personal pizza for free. So it's got some sentimental feelings to it. As I sat waiting for my pizza I remember back in the day when that restaurant used to be smoking and no smoking. I never noticed it before, but looking at it now, who cares if you're sitting on the smoking or non-smoking side? There really wasn't anything but a wall barrier that didn't even go up to the ceiling. So ridiculous, lol. We would go with a family that had a boy my age and we had a lot of fun eating our pizzas together.
I studied my pizza as I ate it and it definitely has a different kind of cheese than most that I love a lot and also their crust much be cooked with butter on the pan or something because it wasn't overly greasy, although there was some oil or butter or something on the bottom that kept it from being too dry. Also, the crust has little holes in it. A much more 'airy and light' crust than some other places and I think that says a lot about why I love it so much. I should have gotten a medium pizza 'cause I could have kept eating and eating that thing. But I'll know for next time. Mostly I just wanted it done quickly because of my time.
I was exhausted that night when we got home and put Alaska to bed at 7 because she fell asleep in the car on the way home from the games and I snuck into bed right after her. Steven went a boy movie by himself and I tried to sleep but my stomach wasn't up for it and needed some coke to calm it down. Which is weird, but it's probably the caffeine. It helps with headaches, too, when tylenol doesn't quite do the job. Only, it's only coke that will work. The rest of the sodas are too sweet. And the coke has a cinnamon smell that I breathe in deep before each swallow that helps calm my stomach. Too weird, I know.
Dropped Alaska off with my mom on my way to Longview to a painting workshop. It's a lady that has a little shop on commerce and sells chalk paint as part of her shop. She also lets people come in and paint their projects with her supplies and charges them a flat fee. That's my kind of awesome!
Her workshop included a few things to do with chalk paint, which is a lot! I had no idea it was so versatile and could be used for so much. We were all given a paint brush to use (which was SO amazing, best paint brush ever!) and three pieces of molding. We chose one dark, one light and one of our favorite colors to squirt out on our paper to work with. Wendy then instructed us on how what colors to use and we tried a few different techniques. It really turned out amazing and I was so completely in awe how different the colors became between the treatments we did on them. I signed up for the 201 class and am really excited to give it a try. I signed up for this class when I was painting our kitchen table and still have a few other projects to do that I could definitely benefit from with not having to buy a quart of paint to have hanging around and it would be fun to experiment with a few of the ideas we were taught on things that I am not totally attached to. I am so excited!
Alaska had been at the school watching John's basketball game and after I dropped by Pizza Hut for some lunch I ran up there just in time to watch Dominique's game.
*Side note about Pizza Hut. I LOVE that place. And I can't quite place why. Maybe it's because it's the first pizza I ever had since they do a lot with schools and getting kids to read and once you get your chart filled up then you can go get your own personal pizza for free. So it's got some sentimental feelings to it. As I sat waiting for my pizza I remember back in the day when that restaurant used to be smoking and no smoking. I never noticed it before, but looking at it now, who cares if you're sitting on the smoking or non-smoking side? There really wasn't anything but a wall barrier that didn't even go up to the ceiling. So ridiculous, lol. We would go with a family that had a boy my age and we had a lot of fun eating our pizzas together.
I studied my pizza as I ate it and it definitely has a different kind of cheese than most that I love a lot and also their crust much be cooked with butter on the pan or something because it wasn't overly greasy, although there was some oil or butter or something on the bottom that kept it from being too dry. Also, the crust has little holes in it. A much more 'airy and light' crust than some other places and I think that says a lot about why I love it so much. I should have gotten a medium pizza 'cause I could have kept eating and eating that thing. But I'll know for next time. Mostly I just wanted it done quickly because of my time.
I was exhausted that night when we got home and put Alaska to bed at 7 because she fell asleep in the car on the way home from the games and I snuck into bed right after her. Steven went a boy movie by himself and I tried to sleep but my stomach wasn't up for it and needed some coke to calm it down. Which is weird, but it's probably the caffeine. It helps with headaches, too, when tylenol doesn't quite do the job. Only, it's only coke that will work. The rest of the sodas are too sweet. And the coke has a cinnamon smell that I breathe in deep before each swallow that helps calm my stomach. Too weird, I know.
This is Harder than I Thought
This writing every day. It's harder than I thought it was going to be. If Alaska doesn't take a nap one day or we're not home it doesn't get done. But I can keep it up. It's important to me and even if I can only do it for this one year of our young family's life, that will be a year recorded.
I've got a whole post for my dumb doctor's appointment. A whole rant and rave but I've got other things to talk about right now. Like how on Friday (10th) Steven had the day off and we went out on a real date. A grown-up date of a movie and dinner. I had read The Book Thief last year and fell in love with it. Absolutely best book ever, hands down. The descriptive writing in it is amazing. Talking about the sky after bombs had been dropped and fires had been burning, bringing lots of haze and smoke to an already cloudy day, "It was a boiling pot of tomato soup." And talking about a seedy old man, "His teeth elbowed each other for room." Brilliant, right? Not to mention the main character loves words. Can't get enough of them. Loves the stories they tell and loves the way they can describe an ordinary image and make it touchable.
The movie was only playing in select theaters and I didn't have the energy to think about it playing in Portland, but when my mom went and saw it in Vancouver and came back singing its praises I couldn't resist. I begged Steven to go with me. Not because I thought he would like it but because I loved the book so much I wanted to share it and knew he would never read it. It held its ground and will definitely be a movie we will be getting when it comes out even though we don't even own a tv to watch it on. I didn't have to hold my breath at the climaxes when you hope with all your heart everything will turn out ok because I remembered but Steven most definitely squeezed my hand harder in some parts than others as his wishes came through in his body language and once he had to lean over and ask, "He doesn't die, right?"
My mom summed it up correctly as a movie that makes you want to go back and read the book again. That good.
We went out to dinner at a Thai restaurant afterwards that was most definitely not the best I have ever had but it was nice to try something new. The place was constantly bubbling with people and we witnessed two senior double-dates. It was so sweet to see and cute when they all bought a dish but then split it four ways as they all tried a little bit of everything. Someday I will do that.
Afterwards we stopped by Target to get a few more things for Alaska and everything on the belt was pink. It was really exciting.
I've got a whole post for my dumb doctor's appointment. A whole rant and rave but I've got other things to talk about right now. Like how on Friday (10th) Steven had the day off and we went out on a real date. A grown-up date of a movie and dinner. I had read The Book Thief last year and fell in love with it. Absolutely best book ever, hands down. The descriptive writing in it is amazing. Talking about the sky after bombs had been dropped and fires had been burning, bringing lots of haze and smoke to an already cloudy day, "It was a boiling pot of tomato soup." And talking about a seedy old man, "His teeth elbowed each other for room." Brilliant, right? Not to mention the main character loves words. Can't get enough of them. Loves the stories they tell and loves the way they can describe an ordinary image and make it touchable.
The movie was only playing in select theaters and I didn't have the energy to think about it playing in Portland, but when my mom went and saw it in Vancouver and came back singing its praises I couldn't resist. I begged Steven to go with me. Not because I thought he would like it but because I loved the book so much I wanted to share it and knew he would never read it. It held its ground and will definitely be a movie we will be getting when it comes out even though we don't even own a tv to watch it on. I didn't have to hold my breath at the climaxes when you hope with all your heart everything will turn out ok because I remembered but Steven most definitely squeezed my hand harder in some parts than others as his wishes came through in his body language and once he had to lean over and ask, "He doesn't die, right?"
My mom summed it up correctly as a movie that makes you want to go back and read the book again. That good.
We went out to dinner at a Thai restaurant afterwards that was most definitely not the best I have ever had but it was nice to try something new. The place was constantly bubbling with people and we witnessed two senior double-dates. It was so sweet to see and cute when they all bought a dish but then split it four ways as they all tried a little bit of everything. Someday I will do that.
Afterwards we stopped by Target to get a few more things for Alaska and everything on the belt was pink. It was really exciting.
I Get That
Was fishing around on facebook and found this...
And I get it. It made me tear up a little and I can only hope that Handsome Husband would be that patient and engaging.
And I get it. It made me tear up a little and I can only hope that Handsome Husband would be that patient and engaging.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
January 9th
All caught up. That feels nice. On the agenda today is my first doctor appointment to hear this little one's heart beat. Hopefully they'll have an ultrasound available but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. The 20 week apt will have to cover that.
Did A LOT of errands today. It took us a little time to get started because I forgot that in order to print those awesome posters that I had to have a jump drive. Which I knew I had seen kind of lately, but really had no idea where. 45 minutes later after dumping two dresser drawers into boxes a I frantically shuffled through stuff I emerged from Alaska's room triumphant. I had also checked the car, the kitchen cupboard and each drawer of three dressers. Only two of those drawers proved too big of a mess to try shuffling stuff from one side to the other. I definitely need to clear those out.
Got her posters printed and they turned out darling! I am so excited to put them up. Cost me $15 each but they'll be used a lot.
Mailed a couple of packages, one including the hair that I cut off to donate to locks of love. I never even measured it. 'Cause when I opened the bag to pull it out I just about puked. Something about hair not attached to anything and pregnancy does not mix well. But I am sticking with 11.5 inches. And the poor lady could have cut off another inch but she was beyond nervous and as I sat there, she told me, "You know, once I cut it, it's really hard for me to put it back on." So I let her cut it where she was comfortable and then three weeks later went to another place and had them cut another inch off and shorten the back by two inches. Much cuter now and not so frumpy.
The other package was a book someone had mentioned wanting to read on facebook and I happened to have a copy of it. It was a one-time-read for me so I hapilly shipped it off, glad that it would have another read out of it instead of just sitting on my shelf.
Dropped off a bag of stuff at the senior thrift store and then ran over to one of the young women's houses and dropped off another bag of just clothes.
Almost thought about stopping at Houlton Bakery for some lunch but Alaska was yawning in the back seat and I knew I should get a move-on since if I made her go down any later than 12:30 her nap would slide into the time when we were supposed to getting in the car to go to this appointment. I am dropping her off at Tamera's pre-school on the way through scappoose and then will pick her up at the house.
And that's the day so far. It's so exciting! This birthday stuff.
Did A LOT of errands today. It took us a little time to get started because I forgot that in order to print those awesome posters that I had to have a jump drive. Which I knew I had seen kind of lately, but really had no idea where. 45 minutes later after dumping two dresser drawers into boxes a I frantically shuffled through stuff I emerged from Alaska's room triumphant. I had also checked the car, the kitchen cupboard and each drawer of three dressers. Only two of those drawers proved too big of a mess to try shuffling stuff from one side to the other. I definitely need to clear those out.
Got her posters printed and they turned out darling! I am so excited to put them up. Cost me $15 each but they'll be used a lot.
Mailed a couple of packages, one including the hair that I cut off to donate to locks of love. I never even measured it. 'Cause when I opened the bag to pull it out I just about puked. Something about hair not attached to anything and pregnancy does not mix well. But I am sticking with 11.5 inches. And the poor lady could have cut off another inch but she was beyond nervous and as I sat there, she told me, "You know, once I cut it, it's really hard for me to put it back on." So I let her cut it where she was comfortable and then three weeks later went to another place and had them cut another inch off and shorten the back by two inches. Much cuter now and not so frumpy.
The other package was a book someone had mentioned wanting to read on facebook and I happened to have a copy of it. It was a one-time-read for me so I hapilly shipped it off, glad that it would have another read out of it instead of just sitting on my shelf.
Dropped off a bag of stuff at the senior thrift store and then ran over to one of the young women's houses and dropped off another bag of just clothes.
Almost thought about stopping at Houlton Bakery for some lunch but Alaska was yawning in the back seat and I knew I should get a move-on since if I made her go down any later than 12:30 her nap would slide into the time when we were supposed to getting in the car to go to this appointment. I am dropping her off at Tamera's pre-school on the way through scappoose and then will pick her up at the house.
And that's the day so far. It's so exciting! This birthday stuff.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
January 6,7, 8th
Where did I leave off. Monday.
6th: It was a long day. In fact, they've all been kind of long lately. Alaska's nap cut things in half nicely, but it always seems there are more hours to fill after her nap and before Steven gets home than there are from when she wakes up to when I put her down for a nap. Honestly though, the hours are the exact same. 4 on each side. The first 4 hours I spend cleaning and organizing and making breakfast. Then a two hour break and afterwards the house is clean, Alaska doesn't eat a very much lunch so we usually have fruit and yogurt, and then I have 3 hours and 45 minutes to kill. And I really do mean kill. Absolutely murder. They are the worst of the whole day. Mostly because I am worn out by that time and there's nothing much left to do inside since it's been cleaned top to bottom. Except lately. Lately I can only get one little thing done and usually that's just picking up and vacuuming because if my floors aren't clean than nothing is clean.
I did start back on my Feel Great in 8 plan. A new competition starts next week. I am not participating this time around, but I thought I would practice anyway. It's not so bad to eat healthy, really, and I have found that any white grain really kind of grosses me out. Brown and wheat really aren't that bad and it's an easy enough change that makes me feel like I am conquering the world. The down-side is that I can no longer enjoy a piece of retail pizza or burger because of the white flour used. Tragic, I know. I am making up my own rules as I practice, though. One, I am not going to beat myself up to go exercise if it's raining. Not worth it as this point. And two, I am not going to beat myself up for eating anything that's not on the plan like junk food and white grains. It's hard enough to make dinner and find something I am willing to eat. Basically, if it takes longer than 5 minutes to make, you can bet I am not going to eat it. I've already looked at it too long after that and can't fathom putting it down. We've been eating a lot of box dinners and frozen dinners. And that's ok. It's better than going out to McDonalds all the time.
We made it out for a walk that went longer than I anticipated and it became too dark to be out without reflective gear. We took the liberty of hiding out at the library until Steven got off work to come and get us.
7th: It was a nothing kind of day. I never changed out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt and never got around to putting a bra on. Alaska and I made it out for a walk between rain showers and she loved stomping in the puddles with her boots. We didn't have the stroller so she walked the whole hour and ten minutes we were out there. She's quite the trooper. Unfortunately she's had a case of runny poo and didn't tell me she was stinky. We got back to the house and her bum was red all over and starting to bump like little blisters were going to form. I slapped some vaseline on and after a lot of crying she calmed down as I rubbed it in and told her how much better it was going to feel.
Had a presidency meeting for young womens that night and walked out the door with no make-up, no bra, no scarf and a little bit of a head ache. I like presidency meetings better that are held to a dead-line because we hold them right before an activity or church or something but this one was at 8:00 pm on a Tuesday night. No one had anywhere to go and so we all stayed and chatted until 10:30. I was quiet and just did my best to hang on.
8th: It's already been a long day and we're only half-way through. I didn't get up until 9 and felt guilty the whole time letting Alaska watch her t.v. shows. I know I am not the worst mom and I know that I don't usually let her do that but it still felt horrible knowing her brains were getting eaten out. Made an omelette for breakfast and Alaska didn't even ask 'what's this' when she was chewing up onion and bell pepper in her egg. She just snarfed it down.
Made a few more birthday plans and a few more 'getting out and doing' plans. I am looking at gender neutral nurseries on pinterest right now. Something I should have realized with the first baby, "This is the one and only time you will be able to decorate a room without having to worry about two people sharing it. Go all out and make it as unique as you want."
Alaska's room right now is still red, teal and pink but I don't see it lasting into childhood like I had hoped. We're going to move again. That means more change and if everything is changing, why not change the colors, too? Or the addition of a baby boy into a little girl's room. How do you do that and make it look good with the size of the room we are working with? I have no idea, but I am going to give it a shot. If I ever get the energy. Oh, and I really have no idea if the baby is a boy or not, I suppose. No real proof, even though I am fairly certain. Even if it's a girl, her colors aren't supposed to be modern like Alaska's. I already know this next girl is going to be a little more history-bound and I was planning on doing vintage pastels with some architecture mixed in. So, either way, the red, teal and pink are going to have to move on. Just how quick?
I have a friend from elementary school who is doing her baby girl's room with the same color theme and it would be just so easy to hand down the few decorations I have collected with the colors to her. 1) I know they would be used for a couple more years at least 2) I wouldn't have to worry about finding any more red, teal and pink things. You have no idea how hard that was. If I had known how hard I don't know if I would have started. So I know this friend of mine would really appreciate it because I know how much I appreciated it when people found the colors I loved so much all together.
I really like the idea of neutral colors to please a boy and add some lace to please a girl. But everything like that seems to babyish. And too drab. I don't really know what I am going for, I guess, but I don't dare pin anything for fear that I tip everyone off that we've got another baby on the way. A baby bump has started to appear after a meal and I have my first appointment tomorrow. Not with the doctor though, with his assistant. I don't know how that works, but if I waste my time going in for them to tell me that I am in for a pap smear and a pee test I am going to be livid. I just had one done not even 6 months ago. I want an ultra-sound and a date set up for the 20 week ultra sound.
6th: It was a long day. In fact, they've all been kind of long lately. Alaska's nap cut things in half nicely, but it always seems there are more hours to fill after her nap and before Steven gets home than there are from when she wakes up to when I put her down for a nap. Honestly though, the hours are the exact same. 4 on each side. The first 4 hours I spend cleaning and organizing and making breakfast. Then a two hour break and afterwards the house is clean, Alaska doesn't eat a very much lunch so we usually have fruit and yogurt, and then I have 3 hours and 45 minutes to kill. And I really do mean kill. Absolutely murder. They are the worst of the whole day. Mostly because I am worn out by that time and there's nothing much left to do inside since it's been cleaned top to bottom. Except lately. Lately I can only get one little thing done and usually that's just picking up and vacuuming because if my floors aren't clean than nothing is clean.
I did start back on my Feel Great in 8 plan. A new competition starts next week. I am not participating this time around, but I thought I would practice anyway. It's not so bad to eat healthy, really, and I have found that any white grain really kind of grosses me out. Brown and wheat really aren't that bad and it's an easy enough change that makes me feel like I am conquering the world. The down-side is that I can no longer enjoy a piece of retail pizza or burger because of the white flour used. Tragic, I know. I am making up my own rules as I practice, though. One, I am not going to beat myself up to go exercise if it's raining. Not worth it as this point. And two, I am not going to beat myself up for eating anything that's not on the plan like junk food and white grains. It's hard enough to make dinner and find something I am willing to eat. Basically, if it takes longer than 5 minutes to make, you can bet I am not going to eat it. I've already looked at it too long after that and can't fathom putting it down. We've been eating a lot of box dinners and frozen dinners. And that's ok. It's better than going out to McDonalds all the time.
We made it out for a walk that went longer than I anticipated and it became too dark to be out without reflective gear. We took the liberty of hiding out at the library until Steven got off work to come and get us.
7th: It was a nothing kind of day. I never changed out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt and never got around to putting a bra on. Alaska and I made it out for a walk between rain showers and she loved stomping in the puddles with her boots. We didn't have the stroller so she walked the whole hour and ten minutes we were out there. She's quite the trooper. Unfortunately she's had a case of runny poo and didn't tell me she was stinky. We got back to the house and her bum was red all over and starting to bump like little blisters were going to form. I slapped some vaseline on and after a lot of crying she calmed down as I rubbed it in and told her how much better it was going to feel.
Had a presidency meeting for young womens that night and walked out the door with no make-up, no bra, no scarf and a little bit of a head ache. I like presidency meetings better that are held to a dead-line because we hold them right before an activity or church or something but this one was at 8:00 pm on a Tuesday night. No one had anywhere to go and so we all stayed and chatted until 10:30. I was quiet and just did my best to hang on.
8th: It's already been a long day and we're only half-way through. I didn't get up until 9 and felt guilty the whole time letting Alaska watch her t.v. shows. I know I am not the worst mom and I know that I don't usually let her do that but it still felt horrible knowing her brains were getting eaten out. Made an omelette for breakfast and Alaska didn't even ask 'what's this' when she was chewing up onion and bell pepper in her egg. She just snarfed it down.
Made a few more birthday plans and a few more 'getting out and doing' plans. I am looking at gender neutral nurseries on pinterest right now. Something I should have realized with the first baby, "This is the one and only time you will be able to decorate a room without having to worry about two people sharing it. Go all out and make it as unique as you want."
Alaska's room right now is still red, teal and pink but I don't see it lasting into childhood like I had hoped. We're going to move again. That means more change and if everything is changing, why not change the colors, too? Or the addition of a baby boy into a little girl's room. How do you do that and make it look good with the size of the room we are working with? I have no idea, but I am going to give it a shot. If I ever get the energy. Oh, and I really have no idea if the baby is a boy or not, I suppose. No real proof, even though I am fairly certain. Even if it's a girl, her colors aren't supposed to be modern like Alaska's. I already know this next girl is going to be a little more history-bound and I was planning on doing vintage pastels with some architecture mixed in. So, either way, the red, teal and pink are going to have to move on. Just how quick?
I have a friend from elementary school who is doing her baby girl's room with the same color theme and it would be just so easy to hand down the few decorations I have collected with the colors to her. 1) I know they would be used for a couple more years at least 2) I wouldn't have to worry about finding any more red, teal and pink things. You have no idea how hard that was. If I had known how hard I don't know if I would have started. So I know this friend of mine would really appreciate it because I know how much I appreciated it when people found the colors I loved so much all together.
I really like the idea of neutral colors to please a boy and add some lace to please a girl. But everything like that seems to babyish. And too drab. I don't really know what I am going for, I guess, but I don't dare pin anything for fear that I tip everyone off that we've got another baby on the way. A baby bump has started to appear after a meal and I have my first appointment tomorrow. Not with the doctor though, with his assistant. I don't know how that works, but if I waste my time going in for them to tell me that I am in for a pap smear and a pee test I am going to be livid. I just had one done not even 6 months ago. I want an ultra-sound and a date set up for the 20 week ultra sound.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Jan 4th and 5th
To finish up January 3rd, Alaska and I went up to 185th to do some birthday shopping for her. I had a $10 kohls buck to spend and was excited to find something that I may not otherwise spend it on. A hour at Kohls left me empty-handed and I walked out of the store with nothing. I couldn't find anything that I liked. Nothing. It was ridiculous.
I knew Target would be better because I already had in mind what I was going for since I had seen it just before Christmas. But of course, it was sold out of the exact size I needed. And I am no good at putting outfits together. After 30 minutes of trying to match leggings with skirt with shirt I couldn't handle my own indecisiveness and grabbed a dress and some gray leggings. We paraded around the toy isle for another half hour, Alaska pushing a plastic shopping cart and stopping to push buttons and touch things. I left the cart at the end of the isle so that I could follow her close and not worry about getting stuck behind anyone. It was fun and we were both ready to go at about the same time, after I bribed her with gummy snacks.
Jan 4th. Satuday. It's hard to blog when you're not home. We went up to my mom's house for the day. I made sure to gather up the dynamic trio so they would be available come nap time. The diaper bag packed and Alaska dressed we set off with a change of clothes and rubber boots. Going out to the country takes a little extra preparation. As soon as we walked through the door Alaska was asking to swing and her and Nana took a trip outside. I stayed inside and made up a doctor appointment for myself and one for Steven.
John came down and we made up a lunch of grilled cheese and hot chocolate. That boy can make a good hot chocolate! It was definitely the highlight of my day. Alaska took a nap and I read a book and slowly drifted into my own nap sitting next to the fire. I was still asleep when she woke up and didn't even realize what was going on until they were headed out the door for a walk. I slipped off again and woke up later with a stomach ache. Too long without any snackies. Made myself some cheese-and-chips (my ultimate comfort food) and was just finishing up when they got home.
For dinner we had some delicious enchiladas and ate for about a hour and a half as we talked and laughed and had a good time around the table. John and I had watched an episode of 91210 and after dinner we watched the first two episodes of Baby Daddy. I don't know if he thought it was as funny as I did, since I had roommate experience and could appreciate the jokes a little more. I have followed the whole show and absolutely love it.
Jan 5th Sunday.
We now have 1:00 church. Yuck to the ultimate yuck. Daddy's birthday was over the week and we were having Sunday dinner up there. When you get out of church at 4 it doesn't take much to make a short evening. We took the liberty of driving out to Rainier for church to enjoy their 10 o'clock meeting schedule. It was nice to come "home" but St Helens first has definitely become our home ward and I missed it a little. We went to gospel essentials for class and it was absolutely packed. An investigator was there that Steve knew from work and I was glad we could be there for him.
The rest of the day was spent with family and it felt good. Grandma Graff came out and brought some Christmas with her since she had been with other family during the holiday.
I knew Target would be better because I already had in mind what I was going for since I had seen it just before Christmas. But of course, it was sold out of the exact size I needed. And I am no good at putting outfits together. After 30 minutes of trying to match leggings with skirt with shirt I couldn't handle my own indecisiveness and grabbed a dress and some gray leggings. We paraded around the toy isle for another half hour, Alaska pushing a plastic shopping cart and stopping to push buttons and touch things. I left the cart at the end of the isle so that I could follow her close and not worry about getting stuck behind anyone. It was fun and we were both ready to go at about the same time, after I bribed her with gummy snacks.
Jan 4th. Satuday. It's hard to blog when you're not home. We went up to my mom's house for the day. I made sure to gather up the dynamic trio so they would be available come nap time. The diaper bag packed and Alaska dressed we set off with a change of clothes and rubber boots. Going out to the country takes a little extra preparation. As soon as we walked through the door Alaska was asking to swing and her and Nana took a trip outside. I stayed inside and made up a doctor appointment for myself and one for Steven.
John came down and we made up a lunch of grilled cheese and hot chocolate. That boy can make a good hot chocolate! It was definitely the highlight of my day. Alaska took a nap and I read a book and slowly drifted into my own nap sitting next to the fire. I was still asleep when she woke up and didn't even realize what was going on until they were headed out the door for a walk. I slipped off again and woke up later with a stomach ache. Too long without any snackies. Made myself some cheese-and-chips (my ultimate comfort food) and was just finishing up when they got home.
For dinner we had some delicious enchiladas and ate for about a hour and a half as we talked and laughed and had a good time around the table. John and I had watched an episode of 91210 and after dinner we watched the first two episodes of Baby Daddy. I don't know if he thought it was as funny as I did, since I had roommate experience and could appreciate the jokes a little more. I have followed the whole show and absolutely love it.
Jan 5th Sunday.
We now have 1:00 church. Yuck to the ultimate yuck. Daddy's birthday was over the week and we were having Sunday dinner up there. When you get out of church at 4 it doesn't take much to make a short evening. We took the liberty of driving out to Rainier for church to enjoy their 10 o'clock meeting schedule. It was nice to come "home" but St Helens first has definitely become our home ward and I missed it a little. We went to gospel essentials for class and it was absolutely packed. An investigator was there that Steve knew from work and I was glad we could be there for him.
The rest of the day was spent with family and it felt good. Grandma Graff came out and brought some Christmas with her since she had been with other family during the holiday.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Jan 3rd
Ugh. Yuck. I absolutely HATE being pregnant. It's the worst of the worst. And I will definitely not be doing it this way again. This way being 'newly pregnant' in the winter. It's already hard enough being normal when the sun goes down at 5, add in some pregnancy exhaustion and I am constantly counting the hours after naptime to when Handsome Husband will be home. I thought I looked at the clock a lot in high school. It doesn't even compare to what it is now.
Found something else that I NEED for Alaska's birthday bash. Check this out - http://caravanshoppe.com/product/birthday-trimmings-poster-pack/

SO CUTE! Right?! I am doing it. It's a steal of a deal considering I can use the same files for 4 kids. Yeah, I know, what am I saying. We still have two more pregnancies to go before I can call this era of life done and over. Let's all pray I am blessed with a pregnancy of twins, only because I think triplets would be praying for a little much.
I've been doing a lot of thinking and I do believe it is to be just as painful to pop them out one after another as it would be to wait a couple of years between. So... why not make it hurt bad and get it over with if it's gotta hurt, right? The only con I am coming up with right now is what happens when they all four get married the same year? Who's paying for those weddings?
Ok, and I am also on a pregnancy rant because I was looking around in pinterest and ran across this bane of a blog - http://www.annasaccone.com/search?updated-max=2013-12-19T01:20:00Z&max-results=2&start=4&by-date=false
Who can't take a freaking break with all the !!!!! at how awesome it is to be pregnant. Makes me want to barf, which I already felt like before even sitting down at the computer, which is why I am at the computer and not mopping the floor. Which is why the floors haven't been mopped in two months and just today I stepped down on something sticky and the day has come when someone is going to have to man-up. And it isn't going to be me.
And also, I decided, I am the worst ever, most miserable person to be around when I am pregnant. I just don't give a cheeze-nip about anything. Things that used to make me mad now leave me feeling like, "Oh well, get comfy." and things that used to make me happy are now like, "Crikies. I don't have enough energy for that!" And things that used to make me laugh and smile or all like, "Get that look off your face before I slap it off" And being nice to people?? Don't even make me come out of the house, because that aint happenin'.
I am remembering it all now. The 9 months we lost in Farmington from making friends and hanging out with people because I very honestly could not stand it. And now the same thing is happening here. Another reason I should have all 3 more babies asclosetogetheraspossible is because then we can maybe just make one last move where I am the anti-social snob and leave everyone there looking after us in a "I can't believe that woman calls herself a mother" kind of way instead of spattering 9 months here and 9 months there, ultimately ruining this move and two more before I can get my party on. 9 months of people wondering, "Where in the world did that wonderful family go that just moved here a few months ago?
Found something else that I NEED for Alaska's birthday bash. Check this out - http://caravanshoppe.com/product/birthday-trimmings-poster-pack/
SO CUTE! Right?! I am doing it. It's a steal of a deal considering I can use the same files for 4 kids. Yeah, I know, what am I saying. We still have two more pregnancies to go before I can call this era of life done and over. Let's all pray I am blessed with a pregnancy of twins, only because I think triplets would be praying for a little much.
I've been doing a lot of thinking and I do believe it is to be just as painful to pop them out one after another as it would be to wait a couple of years between. So... why not make it hurt bad and get it over with if it's gotta hurt, right? The only con I am coming up with right now is what happens when they all four get married the same year? Who's paying for those weddings?
Ok, and I am also on a pregnancy rant because I was looking around in pinterest and ran across this bane of a blog - http://www.annasaccone.com/search?updated-max=2013-12-19T01:20:00Z&max-results=2&start=4&by-date=false
Who can't take a freaking break with all the !!!!! at how awesome it is to be pregnant. Makes me want to barf, which I already felt like before even sitting down at the computer, which is why I am at the computer and not mopping the floor. Which is why the floors haven't been mopped in two months and just today I stepped down on something sticky and the day has come when someone is going to have to man-up. And it isn't going to be me.
And also, I decided, I am the worst ever, most miserable person to be around when I am pregnant. I just don't give a cheeze-nip about anything. Things that used to make me mad now leave me feeling like, "Oh well, get comfy." and things that used to make me happy are now like, "Crikies. I don't have enough energy for that!" And things that used to make me laugh and smile or all like, "Get that look off your face before I slap it off" And being nice to people?? Don't even make me come out of the house, because that aint happenin'.
I am remembering it all now. The 9 months we lost in Farmington from making friends and hanging out with people because I very honestly could not stand it. And now the same thing is happening here. Another reason I should have all 3 more babies asclosetogetheraspossible is because then we can maybe just make one last move where I am the anti-social snob and leave everyone there looking after us in a "I can't believe that woman calls herself a mother" kind of way instead of spattering 9 months here and 9 months there, ultimately ruining this move and two more before I can get my party on. 9 months of people wondering, "Where in the world did that wonderful family go that just moved here a few months ago?
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Jan 2nd
We do things a little backwards around here. When Alaska takes a bath it's after breakfast and a soggy night-time diaper. We wait to do hair until after nap because two hair-dos in one day can be tiring. And why do hair if we're just staying home?
I LOVE Valentine's Day. I love the feel good "I love yous" and the pink and red and the glitter and my favorite used to be decorating Valentine boxes for school. Planning Alaska's birthday party for this month will tide me over for Valentine's. So glad I have a little girl who doesn't mind if I use lots of pink on her special day. Someday that will change, but for now, it's a pink day.
Things to get:
party hats for her, guests, and her little friends (I should call them the dynamic trio. When we have to round up the specials for naptime and bedtime I can more often than not find them all together having a joyride in the baby stroller)
cake or cupcakes. Still not sold on either, but I figure while pictures and cuteness are the priority we need to use it to our advantage. As opposed to some yummy food and games for teenagers and building memories out of birthday craziness when the cake can be slapped together with some frosting and sprinkles because it won't be the crowning jewel of the event.
balloons - pink with curly ribbons to tie to chairs
birthday outfit. Every girl needs some ruffles to wear.
It was been a quandery as to when we should do our birthday party, but after a look at this list, we should definitely do a day when I can be at home and gathering everything up. I'll send out memos for Friday, the 17th.
I LOVE Valentine's Day. I love the feel good "I love yous" and the pink and red and the glitter and my favorite used to be decorating Valentine boxes for school. Planning Alaska's birthday party for this month will tide me over for Valentine's. So glad I have a little girl who doesn't mind if I use lots of pink on her special day. Someday that will change, but for now, it's a pink day.
Things to get:
party hats for her, guests, and her little friends (I should call them the dynamic trio. When we have to round up the specials for naptime and bedtime I can more often than not find them all together having a joyride in the baby stroller)
cake or cupcakes. Still not sold on either, but I figure while pictures and cuteness are the priority we need to use it to our advantage. As opposed to some yummy food and games for teenagers and building memories out of birthday craziness when the cake can be slapped together with some frosting and sprinkles because it won't be the crowning jewel of the event.
balloons - pink with curly ribbons to tie to chairs
birthday outfit. Every girl needs some ruffles to wear.
It was been a quandery as to when we should do our birthday party, but after a look at this list, we should definitely do a day when I can be at home and gathering everything up. I'll send out memos for Friday, the 17th.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
New Years
January 1st. Time for resolutions. Except for the fact that I don't like making resolutions when it's so cold, dark at 5 and wet. Worst time ever to say, "Hey, I think I'll start exercising every day." Or "Hey, I think I'll start eating my vegetables and fruits again" Let's just not. That stuff needs to be saved for the spring. Especially if said exercising and better eating will induce weight loss. Who needs weight loss in the winter when you're wearing long sleeves to cover your arms, jeans to cover your legs and a cute scarf to distract from any growing belly? No one. Carry on and eat more left-over Christmas goodness.
But you know what I am going to do? I am going to start writing. Every day. For myself. Funny thing, though, is that it's not so much fun to make a good story if no one is around to read it. And also, another funny thing, is that writing doesn't do a person much good if they can't write what they're feeling because someone may just read it. Huh. I'll take the audience and if the audience doesn't like where it's going, they can skip it.
Last night we had a party. We watched Wreck it Ralph (not that good, but there have been worse) with Alaska. She sat through all but the last 15 minutes. Win! We ate pizza and drank soda because everyone knows it's that combination that makes a true party. We were all finished up by 7:00 and since it was dark outside and we've had a couple of late nights the past week we called it a day and put Alaska to bed. I stayed up reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. Also not that good, but when you're reading everything by said author, you gotta read everything! The other three books I have read by him have been stellar, I am letting this one slide. I predict it will take a week to get through, the other three I read in a couple days each.
Got bored with reading around 8:30 and went to sleep. Steven stayed up looking at gun stuff. 'Cause that's what boys do, I guess?
This morning Steven went up to his parent's house to shoot his gun and came back down when it was time for us to go to the church for a game of volleyball. AND THEN I find out he didn't even do any shooting! 3 hours and no shooting and no spending time with me. Makes me REALLY mad. AND THEN he leaves early from the volleyball game to help his dad with tires (which is fine, helping out is awesome, but I don't like how it couldn't wait another hour) AND THEN he takes off to go shoot his gun again. I am so mad I don't even care and I say, "Two hours" which turned into three and now I am mad again.
It's just 1) the volleyball game was his idea 2) I didn't really want to go 3) He leaves first and 4) I have to be with Alaska all day, all by myself. Sucky. Tomorrow will be better.
But you know what I am going to do? I am going to start writing. Every day. For myself. Funny thing, though, is that it's not so much fun to make a good story if no one is around to read it. And also, another funny thing, is that writing doesn't do a person much good if they can't write what they're feeling because someone may just read it. Huh. I'll take the audience and if the audience doesn't like where it's going, they can skip it.
Last night we had a party. We watched Wreck it Ralph (not that good, but there have been worse) with Alaska. She sat through all but the last 15 minutes. Win! We ate pizza and drank soda because everyone knows it's that combination that makes a true party. We were all finished up by 7:00 and since it was dark outside and we've had a couple of late nights the past week we called it a day and put Alaska to bed. I stayed up reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. Also not that good, but when you're reading everything by said author, you gotta read everything! The other three books I have read by him have been stellar, I am letting this one slide. I predict it will take a week to get through, the other three I read in a couple days each.
Got bored with reading around 8:30 and went to sleep. Steven stayed up looking at gun stuff. 'Cause that's what boys do, I guess?
This morning Steven went up to his parent's house to shoot his gun and came back down when it was time for us to go to the church for a game of volleyball. AND THEN I find out he didn't even do any shooting! 3 hours and no shooting and no spending time with me. Makes me REALLY mad. AND THEN he leaves early from the volleyball game to help his dad with tires (which is fine, helping out is awesome, but I don't like how it couldn't wait another hour) AND THEN he takes off to go shoot his gun again. I am so mad I don't even care and I say, "Two hours" which turned into three and now I am mad again.
It's just 1) the volleyball game was his idea 2) I didn't really want to go 3) He leaves first and 4) I have to be with Alaska all day, all by myself. Sucky. Tomorrow will be better.
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